11 November 2013

White-browed Woodswallow and Weebill

In this location, Barraba, N.S.W.,  it's hot, and it's dry; country needed a good drink.  Mistletoe hangs from the eucalypt.  

White-browed Woodswallow

walking now to the left of this photo and down towards a star-pickets fenceline

because someone in our birding group had found this little gem

who'd have thought an orchid would be growing out there?

tough as nails, a native Dendrobium 

  this abandoned nest was being visited by a Grey Fantail, and later, a finch species.  It was assumed they were making use of some parts of it for themselves.

and not too far away, a Weebill's nest.  This bird, around 9 cm. (approx. 3.5 inches), is suspected to be Australia's smallest

Mrs. Weebill is hiding in the shadows..

...and now sitting.  This photo taken with zoom-lens, knowing how important it is not to intimidate or encroach on nesting birds.


Roy Norris said...

I am always amazed at how such small birds can make such intricate structures as their nests Carole.
Difficult to imagine.

Dzjiedzjee said...

Beautiful! How could you get so close to the birds nest without making her fly away..?

Salute from the Netherlands,

Carole M. said...

Roy - I agree, they sure work hard don't they?
Gert: 1200mm zoom means you can stand way back

Phil Slade said...

You're having some lovely sunny days there Carole. perfect for photography and birding. That is a beautiful orchid species and it looks to be in fine condition. Of course we don't any woodswallow species here in the UK so to see that one of yours is so intriguing, especially since you have a really nice portrait of it. Send me some of your sunshine please.

TexWisGirl said...

the first one is a sharp looking bird! very neat nest. i like the orchid you found to share!

eileeninmd said...

Carole, you see the coolest looking birds there. I love the White-browed Woodswallow and the cool nest.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Carole That Weebill nest looks very big. Great to get the shot of the female on the nest. I have never seen the other bird and that is a great shot of it, Love the Orchid. that is amazing where it is growing.

Anonymous said...

The overall scenes look very much like they came from our Central Valley in California. I like that orchid; now I know we're not in California.

Montanagirl said...

I like the scenery shots, and that White-browed Woodswallow. That Orchard is amazing!

Unknown said...

Lovely Carole. Love the orchid. We had that on our farm but I couldn't leaver a piece off to bring back up to Maleny, it was just too tough!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

wow, this birdie looks like he is wearing a mask. what a cutie. ( :

Unknown said...

Beautiful Carole. Aren't we lucky to live here. Love the orchid, we had them at Conondale but try as I might I could not lever a piece off to bring up to Maleny - just too tough.

Bob Bushell said...

What a beautiful bird the White-browed Woodswallow is. And the scenery, superb Carole.

Brian King said...

It looks hot! I love the second photo! The minimalism is great!

Jan Castle said...

WOW...that's so e lens......great pics Carole!!!

DeniseinVA said...

Brilliant photos Carole!

Dianne said...

How amazing to see that beautiful orchid growing out of the tree trunk .... amazing country but oh! so dry for this time of year.

Unknown said...

Beautiful pics Carole, as usual. The orchid growing in the tree was a wonderful find.

diane b said...

Wow that is one tough orchid. neat bird shots too. Interesting nest the little one makes.

Irma said...

Beautiful pictures as always, Carole.
The wild orchid is really nice.
So close the Weebill, you have a great lens.
Greetings Irma

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

All rather different from the soggy scene outside my window at present. So many thanks for whisking me away for a few minutes of sunshine. Wow, the sun has just come out here too. Byeeeee!

Stewart M said...

The orchid is great.

Saw a good number of Wood Swallows in Central Australia a little while ago - but they dod not cooperate on the photograph front!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Helma said...

What a beautiful nature is wrong with you and zovlee special birds. nes that is also very nice to see. What's great is that beautiful orchid grows.

Christian Perrin said...

Lovely photos as always Carole! I've never seen the Woodswallow or the Weebill but they are certainly on my "To See" list, particularly the handsome Woodswallow. I must say though, I actually liked the Orchid the best out of these snaps - you're right in that's in an unexpected sight!

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

The swallow is fabulous and also this kind of orchid in the tree. Marvelous photos. Best regards, Synnöve

Wally Jones said...

I love it when an environment fools you. It seems as if there would not be much that could thrive in that dry looking area.
And then you go and find a beautiful orchid and superb birds!

Very nice post, Carole!