19 November 2013

a track with a difference

Maybe it's a universal announcement, and you might hear it too if you travel the rail system, that "the next train to arrive on Platform ...is going to .....

Don't bother waiting for the train here at Belmont though.  What had once been a coal and passenger line, is now a wonderfully innovative and useful track for cyclists and walkers alike.  This was my first visit to see the track, a 45 klms drive from home.

Belmont station is at one end of this 15 klm. track, a collaborative eight-year project between both Lake Macquarie, and Newcastle city councils.  Who wouldn't want to ride their bike along here?

Snipped from the Fernleigh Track brochure (because I couldn't have said it any better)

Such a welcome addition this must've been for local residents, to have such a fantastic recreational asset

so much green happening which is such a welcome addition if walking on a hot day to find sheltered spots along the way

Melaleucas (paperbarks) in their perfect swampy environment

Morning Glory, considered a weed because of its invasive, smothering nature.  Shame about that side of it because it does look good I think.

 looking over the open mesh fencing here from a timbered boardwalk section over Belmont Wetland State Park

what little Pacific Black Duck wouldn't want to live here?

Hello Purple Swamp Hen!  It has to be the closest I've ever gotten to one of these waterbirds.  Relaxed and obviously used to the passing parade; lucky for me.

During the relatively short walk on this day (must go back to do another section, another day), it was imperative to keep to the left and not to stray to the opposite side of the pathway without checking to see if a cyclist was nearing first.  

even the fencing has been modified to allow for the spreading girth  - just like adjusting your  belt another notch :) 

Enjoy the ride!

Lake Macquarie Council Fernleigh Track 2-page brochure is available here


TexWisGirl said...

really nice area. i like when they convert old rail lines to walking and biking trails. really nice for the community.

Our photos said...

You have make nice photos!
Greetings, RW & SK

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful idea. Great to see and more cities should do this. I don't think I would be too welcomed at yours though...I'd be on the wrong side of the pathway all the time.

Irma said...

Beautiful pictures of a beautiful area.
Very well photographed, Carole.
Greetings Irma

Phil Slade said...

Looks a great place to walk, cycle or bird watch - all three really. Those birs will soon get used to the passing people as long as they don't feel threatened.

In the UK Carole most duck and wildfowl are allowed to be hunted during the winter months. It's a throwback to the days of the "landed gentry" continued to this day. Shooters are also allowed to release birds on their own land for winter "sport".

Joop Zand said...

Nice places and good photo's.....i like that blue flower very much.

Greetings, Joop

eileeninmd said...

Great shots of your bike/hike trail. We have a similar trail here called the NCR trail. Cute shots of the duck and moorhen! Have a happy day!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

wow, looks like such fun. take your bike with your friend or hubby ... & enjoy the day with your camera. such a ball, i bet. ( :

Montanagirl said...

Pretty photos of a really nice place. Loved the ducks and Moorhen.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Carole. Well that was a great idea for a walking & cycle track. Loved the scenery.

Jan Castle said...

Wonderful area! We have an old railroad bridge in downtown Salem, Oregon that crosses the Willamette River to West Salem called the 'Dollar Bridge' because it was sold to the city for one dollar. It has been converted to a walking/biking bridge from one side of the river to the other - each end is a park......lights up at night and is very attractive!.
Paper Hugs,

Brian King said...

We have something similar here, but not with all the gorgeous scenery. It's nice to have a place without motorized vehicles. Great photos of the waterfowl!

DeniseinVA said...

I like how unused train tracks make way for riding and hiking. You saw some lovely sights. Thank you for sharing them.

Helma said...

So nice that you have the changes in the image shows that the years have taken place here over here :-)

Deanna said...

what a great way to turn a place that isn't working into a new place that does!!

Dzjiedzjee said...

What a great series of a great landscape!

Warm greetings from the Netherlands,

HansHB said...

Lovely serie of photos!