07 November 2013

a little creek, and a little feathered surprise...

the perfect spot to pull up for a while on the way back home from Bingara; get out the thermos for a coffee in the shade of the trees.   A wood duck down there to the right, alongside of Quirindi Creek.  This site is also noted as a 'free camping area'.

how lovely it is to see 'the green' when all around  .. away from the shelter of trees, is dry and wheaten-coloured

at this end the creep widened out a little to a deeper pool.  But then, the big buzz came when this ...

 Diamond Firetail was spotted (yes literally too)

 not too perturbed by having its photo taken from a distance

 while there was juicy grass seeds to be had at least

it wouldn't know how much it made my day!  Not only was the location so pleasant, but seeing this striking finch within range of my camera lens, made it extra special.


Anonymous said...

I really like his markings. I like your spot you found too. I can imagine how peaceful it must have been.

Our photos said...

That is a beautiful bird!
Greetings, RW & SK

cath carbone said...

J'aime beaucoup tes photos! j'aime le texte aussi !
Nice post! Thanks & Welcome for your comment and visit to my blog.

Ramakrishnan said...

Lovely lush green landscapes & colorful cute firetail !

Joop Zand said...

Nice place Carole..... lovely colored bird have you photographed.

Greetings, Joop

Irma said...

Beautiful picture of a beautiful environment, Carole.
The beautifully colored bird.
Greetings Irma

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Amazing little bird. The avifauna of Australia is so unique.

Stewart M said...

Cracking little bird - let hope my sparrows stay away so you can keep the fire tails (and then I have to visit to see them!!)

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

eileeninmd said...

A pretty spot and a beautiful bird. The marking and colors are lovely. Wonderful photos!

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Wonderful photos of this area and the special bird in gray and red. So beautiful !

Christian Perrin said...

Beautiful photos of a stunning bird! I have always wanted to see one!

TexWisGirl said...

my word! gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous bird!!!

grammie g said...

Hi Carole... Lovely spot and a gorgeous bonus ! The D.Firetail is
a beauty !!
Nice way to spend your day, with wonderful shot's!!


Montanagirl said...

A pretty place you found - and that Finch is just stunning. Love his spots and coloring.

Jan Castle said...

I can see why it made your day.....beautiful markings Carole! Good for you!!!!!

Brian King said...

Beautiful spot and a beautiful little bird! I love the colors on him!

Wally Jones said...

What a nice oasis you found!
That is a really beautiful finch!

Nice job on showing it off!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh my gosh -- he is just beautiful...what a lucky and lovely stop!