09 November 2013

...what's that up there?

In the middle of the white circle is a bird.  Someone in the small birding group spotted it; how they did I'll never know.....

it was a Wonga Pigeon, and it really wasn't until I opened this photo up back at home  that I got to see it much clearer. Thank heavens it's a big size bird to fill up the frame like this.

further along some evidence of storm damage with fallen timbers

location: Cooranbong, N.S.W.


Jeanne said...

Great shot of this pigeon. Wonderful to be able to zoom in and ssee things like this that you couldn't even see originally.

Irma said...

Beautiful photos of this pigeon, Carole.
Very nice weekend.
Greetings Irma

Christian Perrin said...

I've never had a good look at this Pigeon in real life - usually it remains a distant 'tree speck' to me! It's a beautiful bird though, thanks for sharing!

eileeninmd said...

Great zoom, Carole! The Pigeon is pretty. Have a happy day!

TexWisGirl said...

very neat looking pigeon! pretty!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Great close-up of that pigeon, Carole!

Our photos said...

Nice photo of the bird!
Greetings, RW & SK

Dzjiedzjee said...

You need a good pair of eyes for that one. Well seen! ;-)

Many greetings from the Netherlands,

Montanagirl said...

Wow - Your telephoto reach amazes me. Is that shot using only your camera zoom, or did you bring it in closer in a photo program? I'm impressed!

Anonymous said...

Pretty good clarity being zoomed in and maybe cropped some plus hand holding the camera. Nicely done.

Brian King said...

Wow, I never would have seen it! Beautiful bird and you got a great close up!

Deanna said...

I really enjoy taking walks with you, I learn so much!!

Carole M. said...

Sinbad and I (John), also Montanagirl (Mona), yes zoomed to max (1200mm) and hand-holding and cropped/re-sized. Thanks to all who have left a comment; I really enjoy reading them and knowing that you come visit and see what I have seen "out there".

Wally Jones said...

Very nice shot of a great-looking pigeon, Carole!

Must have been a mighty wind to have taken down such large trees.

Jan Castle said...

Wonderful capt
Ure Carole!!! Pretty bird!