02 November 2013

Black Swans

It was mid afternoon at Centennial Park, Sydney; time to get back to Central Station for the 'country train' back home, up the coast almost two hours.  How to resist spending time with these new parents though??

worth every minute

Later notation:  According to this fact sheet at Avian Web.com the cygnets will assume their black feathers at one year of age


Our photos said...

So cute the little swan1
Greetings, RW & SK

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Black Swans or white swans - the cygnets all come out the same colour. Charming shots.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Carole Oh this little cygnet is so adorable and the parents look real proud. Do you know when it starts to turn black and how long that takes?

Isidro Ortiz said...

Buenas capturas del Cisne negro con su cria.Un abrazo

Carole M. said...

Margaret I have made enquiry from Australian Museum to answer your question; will get back to you here when I hear from them.

eileeninmd said...

The little one is so cute. Beautiful swans. Have a happy weekend!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Handsome birds. I think that every waterfowl collection in the world contains Black Swans.

Jeanne said...

Beautiful swans and what a gorgeous little family they make! Love these shots

TexWisGirl said...

what a precious cygnet!!! adorable!

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Marvelous photos of the black swan and the sweet little ones. Great !

Montanagirl said...

Beautiful parents. And that fluffy baby is so cute!

Linda said...

Gorgeous photos, beautiful birds. Greetings from Montreal, Canada.

Wally Jones said...

How could anyone not find that just adorable?

Great shots you got while waiting!

Lisa Gordon said...

My goodness, they are gorgeous, Carole, and that little baby is so precious.

Have a great weekend!

Irma said...

Beautiful pictures of black swans.
Very cute are the little ones.
Very well photographed, Carole.
Greetings Irma

Anonymous said...

Unbelievably soft I imagine.

Karen said...

Such sweeties. Wonderful captures!

Dzjiedzjee said...

Just sweet!! :-)

Best regards from the Netherlands,

Jan Castle said...

Makes you want to cuddle with that little one! Will be interested to learn when the little ones turn color too!
TFS....I can understand why it was hard to leave to catch your train!!!!

Bonnie said...

Great pics. I have never seen a black swan in person. The baby is so sweet. Happy looking parents.

DeniseinVA said...

What fun to see the cygnets Carole. Your black swan photos are magnificent! I saw a black swan a few years ago while on holiday and I thought they were incredible! I loved the white in the tail feathers against the black ones.

Evelyn S. said...

Oh, how I would love to see black swans! And that darling cygnet....is just wonderful! What a great experience.

Brian King said...

The little ones are so fuzzy! I think Black Swans are very handsome!

theconstantwalker said...

I have had some Black Swans on one of my local pools for a few years.
Lovely birds to see.

Helma said...

They have only one child? And what specifically that it is white at birth. Black swans are always wonderful to see.
Sometimes I like them better than the white.

Adrienne W said...
