08 November 2013

Pallid Cuckoo and Koel cuckoos.

a first-timer, Pallid Cuckoo, location Bingara, N.S.W.

 Juvenile Koel, Lake Macquarie, - also of the cuckoo family

 another Koel youngster seen at Doyalson,  (taken through glass window)


Irma said...

Beautiful pictures of the cuckoo.
Very well photographed, Carole.
Greetings Irma

Montanagirl said...

Very pretty bird. Another one I've never seen!!

TexWisGirl said...

those koels are just marvelous!

Wally Jones said...

Congratulations on a new life bird, Carole!
Great photographs!

Anonymous said...

You have the neatest birds down there.

Phil Slade said...

Wow those are really nice Carole. Never heard of Pallid Cuckoo but it looks superb. Great shots of the Koel. I saw Common Koel in India and i'm thinking it can't be the same species, but I'll Wiki it.

Sorry you couldn't enter for the book draw and I think it's a bit mean of PUP to limit it to US and UK but I guess they have to have a few rules.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Your birds are wonderful and your pictures do them justice~~~ their feather patterns show up so beautifully! Thanks for sharing.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

hi Carole. great that you got a lifer. I have seen both of these some time ago when I was in NSW. Great shots

Brian King said...

Oh, wow! Look at that tail!

Joop Zand said...

GREAT PICTURES CAROLE..... very well done.

Wish you a nice weekend, Joop

Ida said...

What pretty birds. The Koel is so pretty, I love the soft yellow feathers.

Roy Norris said...

Superb shots Carole.

Jan Castle said...

All new to me....lovely birds!!!