11 October 2013

Sulphur-Crested Cockatoos

Screeching from the Angophora tree as they settled in for a short while.  There were about five Sulphur-crested Cockatoos up there, near to 7.30 a.m.

they each had differing locations

must've been a little cooler up there in the shadows for this one

dangerous limbs like this had been removed by council years back

getting on with the morning rituals


making sure all feathers in the right place


...take off;  and that was the end of the photo shoot.


Dianne said...

What a wonderful moment to photograph ... cockatoos seem to spend most of their life preening .... getting every little feather into place then they fly off into the blue yonder with their feathers ruffled.

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful Cockatoos, they are priceless.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love the take off shot. what a beauty. ( :

TexWisGirl said...

they're just so beautiful!

Brian King said...

These guys have great crests! Beautiful shots!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Great shots of a great bird.

Anonymous said...

I only see these birds when they are doing tricks for tourists. They look much much better in your pictures.

Our photos said...

The photos of the bird are beautiful!
Greetings, RW & SK

Irma said...

Beautiful photos of the cockatoos, Carole.
I love them all perfectly photographed, compliments.
Greetings Irma

Montanagirl said...

Beautiful Cockatoo! And that sand does like a waterfall frozen in time. Nice photos!

Sharon Wagner said...

Boy, parrots are unmistakable alright. Screech!

Phil Slade said...

Super shots Carole. I especially like the first one where the crest displays to full effect.

Laura said...

What a beautiful bird. Amazing to see it in the wild. Your photos are just gorgeous!! Thanks for the treat! hugs, Laura

Merlesworld said...

Great photos, he is beautiful to look at but so noisy.
Merle.......... .............. ........

Deanna said...

oh wowzer...what beautiful birds!!

Stewart M said...

Great shots - we had the company of these birds for breakfast last week!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne