09 October 2013

Jacky Winter and Zebra Finch

and on this nearby telegraph pole just after 7 a.m. in same location as the first two photos

Birds in Backyards Jacky Winter fact-sheet

A pair of Zebra finches; from the ground it looked like they might've been trying to build a nest up there. When looking at the pics though, I'm sure the male was just fascinated with his mirror-image.

Birds in Backyards Zebra Finch fact-sheet

Sharing with Wild Bird Wednesday


TexWisGirl said...

seeing zebra finches in the wild is really cool! only see them in pet stores and cages, here.

theconstantwalker said...

The Zebra Finches are just so cute Carole... wonderful images

eileeninmd said...

I agree with Tex about the Zebra finches. I have seen them in the pet store. But, I prefer seeing the wild birds in your post, they are beautiful. Have a great day and week ahead!

Brian King said...

Beautiful photos! I love the Zebra Finches! Colorful faces!

mick said...

Beautiful birds. I was fascinated with the flocks of zebra finches I saw out west a few years ago. They are so cute!

Merlesworld said...

Many birds to visit the back yard but my favourite are the little fellows but they are hard to see in the leaves, we have a family of wrens that come to see us every year.
Merle.......... ............. ............

DeniseinVA said...

Beautiful birds, thanks for sharing Carole.

I am still in Germany but was able to get on line today and moderate some comments. Wedding celebrations are winding down now :)

Christian Perrin said...

Beautiful birds that I do not see here around Brisbane. The Jacky Winter is a plain little thing but I have always wanted to see one for some reason!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

The Zebra Finches are so cool! I've never heard of them. And I'd say he is really admiring himself.

Karen said...

Love the finches!

Jeanne said...

Love those little zebra finches... and yes, that looks like a typical guy admiring himself in the mirror. great shots carole. How are you?

Jan Castle said...

Beautiful birds!

Our photos said...

The photos are beautiful!
Greetings, RW & SK

Unknown said...

The zebra finches are so cute! I've only seen them in pet stores.

Isidro Ortiz said...

Bonitas capturas de los Diamantes mandarines,que es como se les conoce a los zebra finches en España.Un abrazo

Anonymous said...

I think I have seen Zebra Finches in pet shops here. You get to enjoy them being free. It doesn't look like much is holding that nest in place.

Dave said...

arnt they just lovely

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Our daughter's family had Zebra Finches in their back yard lscreened lanai. They certainly were prolific!