30 October 2013

Scarlet Honeyeater

...try chasing this little beauty!  Adrenalin was high and no time to play with binoculars and see it well and truly defined as I might've loved to do.   If I can manage a round of snaps, then I will lift the bins.

I know there's nothing quite like seeing it up close in the binoculars, but I want to bring the memory on home with me to share

this way ...I'm over here 

aaaaah, that's it; don't move ...thanks Scarlet!

Location: Bingara, N.S.W.
Birds in Backyards Factsheet here

Sharing with Wild Bird Wednesday


mick said...

Great photos - the only time I have seen those little fellows sit still is when they are on a flower filled with nectar!

eileeninmd said...

Wow, it is a colorful bird! Beautiful photos and a great bird!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Now there's a great bird I didn't get to see when I visited Australia.

HansHB said...

Lovely bird, great red!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Carole This is my favorite Honeyeater and well done for getting some shots of it.

Karen said...

What a fantastic colour!

TexWisGirl said...

holy smokes! rather like a vermilion flycatcher over here. just a bright pop of super red!

Brian King said...

Talk about bright color! Wow! Beautiful!

LV said...

You did a super job capturing this fellow in all its glory.

Anonymous said...

What a brilliant bird. There is no way not spotting him in that thicket.

Our photos said...

What a beautful bird!
Greetings, RW & SK

diane b said...

Well done master of the bird shots. He is delightful.

Ercotravels said...

Wow, Love the Bird!!

Bob Bushell said...

Brilliant taking Carole, Scarlet is one of my faves.

Christian Perrin said...

Haha! I think the exact same thoughts when i'm out with the birds. This species is a hyper-active little sugar junkie that I've never managed to get a good snap of, so well done, especially for that last shot!

Unknown said...

Such a vivid colour that you can see from miles away. So far I've not taken shots of birds with such a dramatic colour.

Unknown said...

Beautiful little bird! The colour is amazing.

Hootin Anni said...

Incredibly beautiful!! Loved the way you zoomed in for us, too, Carole.

Phil Slade said...

It's always difficult isn't it Carole? To look or to photograph knowing the bird is bound to move very soon? Never thought about your idea of wanting to bring it home- I'll remember that. It's a lovely bird anyway with a fabulous name.

Jan Castle said...

Scarlet was certainly cooperative....lucky you....what a gorgeous bird Carole!!!!!!

NatureFootstep said...

wow, that´s a beauty. Lovely shots as well.

Montanagirl said...

Oh, that's a wonderful find for you, and what a gorgeous bird! Great photos!!!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

How splendid that is and you did a great job!

grammie g said...

Hi Carole... He is a real beauty!!
Nice he cooperated long enough so we could get to enjoy seeing him too!


Faye said...

My heart is beating fast for you Carol! How thrilling it is to spot the unusual ones. And it's true--you hardly know whether to just snap away hoping to get a good shot or just be still and enjoy. I usually snap. . .A great spotting!

Esther Joy said...

Gorgeous bird! Glad you got a great shot of him to share with us!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! My (few) contacts with these intensely vivid beauties triggered the same reactions!

Dave said...

get the record shot, a little more stealth and bingo, you end up with a stunner!

EG CameraGirl said...

Scarlet indeed!

Ida said...

Now that's a Scarlet bird! What a great spotting and I'm so glad you captured it with your camera to share.

Amanda said...

lovely! so vivid

Gordon said...

What a little stunner, and such good captures.
All the best Gordon.