29 October 2013

River Red Gum - the big one at Bingara, N.S.W.

High on the banks of the Gwydir River sits a somewhat mystical Lord of the Rings style tree;  a River Red Gum it is.

it's the tallest tree in this photograph

maybe nothing spectacular from here, that's it in the middle; let's walk down the slope and look closer shall we?

and it's a fair drop down to the water from here too

but over the years, floods have undermined it

Little Black Cormorant down by the bridge.


Jeanne said...

What an amazing root system this tree has! Don't think I would care to crawl under this. Reminds me of the roots of some sort of fig tree that I saw when I was in Hawaii. Cute little cormorant lurking down by the river too.

TexWisGirl said...

truly a troll's den. :)

Our photos said...

Beautiful are the photos!
Greetings, RW & SK

Jan Castle said...

Perfect Halloween tree!

eileeninmd said...

The roots are amazing, Wonderful tree. Have a happy week!

Anonymous said...

That is really interesting. On my hike today I pass by a grove of Eucalyptus trees and stood there thinking of your country and you, and who planted these here so long ago and why?

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Carole That tree has an amazing root system. Pity what the floods have done. Great photos of it and that a lovely shot of the Little Cormorant. Received your reply about the Jacky winter. Yes, I had also looked at the Thornbills and indeed it could be that. It really depends were the brown really is on the bird. I have always found these little brown birds VERy hard to ID. Let me know when you find out please.