24 November 2012

Red-tailed black cockatoo

You just never know what you'll pick up on a little journey away from home, not so far either.  Yesterday was kind of a lucky day, with an unexpected birding pick-up, when coming across this delightful cockatoo.

and letting the cat out of the bag now, the end of the tale ... down at Shingle Splitters Point, by the lake

a woman was walking her two little dogs, AND her pet, red-tailed black cockatoo.  When asked if I could take some photos she offered to set him up on the tree nearby.  Too easy, and many thanks!  


Les Fous du Cap said...

The love of cockatoo ;-)
Céline & Philippe

Julie said...

He is a delightful looking bird, and his tail is a joy. That would be either a PJ or a MB fig-tree she perched him upon. I was chasing more mundane varieties at Rathmines yesterday, too. But came up with some sort of wader with a massive orange beak. Will try to identify him ... hang on ... ahha ... a Pied Oyster-catcher.

Giga said...

Kakadu musi być bardzo przywiązana do właścicielki, to niesamowite. Zdjęcia jej na drzewie są świetne. Pozdrawiam.
Kakadu has to be very attached to the owner, it's amazing. Pictures of her in the tree are great. Yours.

Carole M. said...

yes a Port Jackson it was I'm pretty sure Julie; no aerial roots. I had Rathmines on my itinerary also yesterday but time alloted had run out. Get too carried away walking about, searching, taking snapshots. Made it to Wangi-Wangi, and Myuna Bay as well and had been on the lookout for Pied Oyster-catchers ...I didn't get to see any.

TexWisGirl said...

ha ha! very cute, carole. sneaky but effective. :)

Brian King said...

haha! The shots are fantastic and I was about to say how fortunate you were to get so close, but I see you had it all arranged! :-) Well done, Carole!

Montanagirl said...

Oh my gosh - he's great! Here I thought you were so lucky to run across him!!

BlueShell said...

Amazing shots, Greetings from Portugal

diane b said...

They are beautiful birds and I'm surprised that they can be kept as pets. Great shots.

Red Nomad OZ said...

Oh, you SO shouldn't have 'fessed up!!! I was totally sucked in!!!

Anonymous said...

Fooled me. I bet that beak could lop off my finger.

Anonymous said...

Was für schöne Fotos und ein sehr hübscher Vogel.

LG Mathilda

Irma said...

So great is this, what a beautiful bird.
Very fun as sitting on the shoulder.
Have a great weekend.

LindyLouMac said...

What an obliging model, beautiful compositions.

Carole M. said...

Red I was ALMOST going to leave a followup post for the next day, with the full explanation.

Carole M. said...

I look at them like a vice!

Carole M. said...

the owner said her cockatoo was three years old and she had purchased him as a hand-reared bird

Sharyl said...

Like the others, I was impressed as always by your marvelous close-up shots of this wild bird! Your ending gave me a good laugh. They are still wonderful photos, the bird just isn't quite as wild I as imagined! Good one, Carole!