20 November 2012

Have you seen this Para-gliding Hawk video?

Training the Harris's hawk; wonderful filming by Lite Touch Films.  They say "the huge backpacks are actually padding to protect the pilot in case of a mishap during launch or landing.  There's rarely an issue, but the padding is way better than landing hard on your butt and can save you from getting a sore back or a broken tail bone etc."


theconstantwalker said...

Wow! Carole that's so amazing... many thanks for sharing it.

Dianne said...

What a beautiful video Carole ... I loved it.

Anonymous said...

Makes me want to go along with them. :-)

Roy Norris said...

That is quite amazing Carole.

jeanlivingsimple said...

Whoa! Carole...that video gave me chills. Thanks for sharing!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

That's amazing. It looks like so much fun but I would be afraid to try that.

Anonymous said...

That was the best of my day today...and it is 9:14pm. I was getting a bit worried there. Thank you for that. It gives one a good idea how the view is for the bird.

Anonymous said...

*wow* was für supertolle Aufnahmen!

Lieben Gruss Elke

Phil Slade said...

Great video Carole. I'm so pleased you found and then shared it. That hawk is so precise in its flight and landing techniques.

Irma said...

Carole wow this is really amazing, so spectacular.
What a great shot, here you can only dream of.

Unknown said...


Julie said...

No. No. That gives me no desire whatsoever to be up there with them. Love watching them. But no. No. Nope. Not now. Not ever.

Also helps me to appreciate the importance of music to clips such as these.

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

I had seen this being done with a different hawk. The Harris Hawk is beautiful ... have never seen one in real life. Love the video. Thank you for sharing.

Andrea @ From the Sol

Montanagirl said...

Wow!!! I have never seen ANYTHING quite as cool as this video!!! Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I would love to soar with a magnificent bird like this hawk. Thanks for sharing this great video, Carole.