07 November 2012

Australian White Ibis

Location: Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney

Another time when visiting here, several of these birds were menacing around the outdoor cafeteria.  As soon as anyone would go to leave their tables, the birds would fly up for the left-overs.

Later addition:  If you'd like to see one close-up photo, taken in February this year, at the eating area, check this post, a few pics down.  Noted then as Sacred Ibis, apparently one and the same.

This ibis was on its own, and clearly identifiable with banding and wing-tagging.  According to the RBG website, the aim is to monitor ibis' movements, breeding and habitat preferences.  Observations have been received from across the Sydney region and as far away as Shepparton (Vic), Coffs Harbour (N.S.W.), Brisbane and Townsville (Qld).

Sharing with Wild Bird Wednesday


TexWisGirl said...

wow. that is some wing tag AND anklet ring.

Anonymous said...

The tags remind me of a Far Side cartoon which I cannot recall the line but the other animals are commenting on the radio collar another is wearing.

Kerri Farley said...

I Just love their beaks! And I guess there is no hiding when your "name tag" is so visible :)

Joop Zand said...

Never seen this one.....good shots Carole

Greetings, Joop

mick said...

Interesting to see the banding and tagging. They can become a real nuisance and I guess it might be useful to know more about the worst ones!!

Judy said...

I have never seen a wing tag like that. I sure would not want one of those standing beside my table, waiting for the leftovers...

Jeanne said...

Can't imagine a bird this large coming to a table that has been abandoned. pretty large, and lovely , bird this is!

Horst in Edmonton said...

A beautiful bird.

Montanagirl said...

It's so pretty! Send some on over here, would ya??

Phil Slade said...

A good looking bird Carole. I guess it is another species under threat in some way and that is the reason for the study?

Les fous du cap said...

Beautiful série ;-)
Céline & Philippe

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Very interesting looking birds and nice captures. We had similar birds visit tables at the zoo in West Palm Beach Florida once;')~

Dave said...

a precarious subject is wing tagging and leg ringing.... I dont like to see the tags, if I was a bird I wouldnt want the tags, however as a well educated and sensible person :) I inderstand the reasoning behing the tags.... so, what are my thoughts, I am clearly on the fence post!

Nice shots of nice bird though

Sallie (Fulltime-Life) said...

Wow! That is a big ibis.....we see a different kind when we're in Florida . Very interesting info about the tracking.

Neil said...

Interesting post.

Linda said...

Beautiful bird. This is the first time I have ever seen a wing tag. I have seen plenty of foot bands, though. Lovely photos.

Liz said...

Interesting. I have never seen one tagged. There are so many up here in parks, gardens and even on lawns. They are somewhat of a pest at times!

Sharyl said...

I suddenly feel that if I was to be a bird, I'd like to be this type!