30 September 2012

Nature's bounty; a mixed bag

 Black-shouldered Kites seen quite often, here ...

...and there

Australian Hobby (Little Falcon) .. I think

Intermediate Egret

Remember the swallows mud-nests seen in this post?   Down to one side of a bridge much further along now, some puddles of water, and look, see, there's some Welcome Swallows; very industrous aren't they, collecting their building material. 

not sure what kind of lizard but it didn't stick around for long enough to get any closer.  It didn't matter though, there was another further up the road.

I think this one is a Frilled Neck Lizard (without the frill up).  Taken through the windscreen.

 seen several times over, wedge-tailed eagles in flight, but not easy to line them up (capture them).


Red Nomad OZ said...

Don't know about you, but I find bird & wildlife photography SO frustrating!! So it's an extra thrill to get a photo that works!! These are great!

Carole M. said...

Hi Red! You're spot-on, and thanks. Any snapshot that turns out half-decent has to be a winner cause you can't ask your subject to shift out of the shadows some, or step over there so we can photograph with our backs to the sun.

TexWisGirl said...

the kite is just gorgeous! love the colors on those swallows, too. very rich.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Darn, Tex said what I was going to say!

Anonymous said...

That first photo is spot on!

Brian King said...

Beautiful photos, Carole! The first one is gorgeous! That would make a great print to frame!

Irma said...

Great series of photos Carole, I think the first really great.
nice Sunday, Irma

Montanagirl said...

That Kite is so beautiful! And your Egret shot is terrific too.