12 February 2014

White-faced Heron

...have you ever been a passenger in a vehicle on a long-haul drive?  At some point, maybe after a lunch stop, feeling comfy when you step back in the car, ready for the new scenery ahead.

The sun is shining through the glass and suddenly, your eyelids start feeling like they've got lead sinkers on them.  You try so hard to keep focused; but in the end it's easier to succumb!

I think this is where the White-faced Heron is going.  Taken late afternoon, this week, down by the Wyong River.

....going, g-o-i-n-g

OOPS, gone!

Sharing with Wild Bird Wednesday


HansHB said...

Beautiful bird-post, great photowork!

eileeninmd said...

Carole, your White-faced heron is beautiful. Great shots! Enjoy your week ahead!

Bob Bushell said...

It's going to asleep, oh, love it.

TexWisGirl said...

that made me grin!

Lisa Gordon said...

Oh my goodness, this is wonderful, Carole!!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

giggles. awesome coloring. ( :

Brian King said...

That's a handsome heron! Very nice shots!

Anonymous said...

My cat does the same thing. Good set Carole.

Judi Gray said...

very funny photos! It must be exhausting holding those long necks up all of the time! great photos of these beautiful Australian birds.

mick said...

Great series of photos and the captions match perfectly!

Phil Slade said...

It's not often you see that happen Carole. Birds sem able to "sleep" with their eyes open, so to catch that series on camera is probably fairly unique.

Irma said...

Great photos Carole.
Very good view, I have to laugh.

Christian Perrin said...

Haha! This is fantastic! Your comments capture the mood perfectly.

It would make an awesome Facebook meme!

Hootin Anni said...

Such a great, and fun, series of photos!!

Love the white face on the heron. Here we don't have 'em. It's always a special treat for me to view birds from 'round the world.

Montanagirl said...

Ha! Great sequence of photos...he's just nodding off to neverland.

Helma said...

What a lovely blog and what a nice pictures of the falling blue heron hahahaha ... asleep You were there at the right time Carole :-)

Wally Jones said...

I was going to post about how much I enjoyed your entry today - but -- I --- must ---- take ----- a ------ n a p -- zzzzzzzzzz.

Jan Castle said...

Oh so funny!!!! Glad you were there to snap the picture!!!

Gumer Paz said...

I do not know how to say in English. In Spanish is "dar cabezaditas" :-D
Very timely, Carole. Congratulations.
a kiss

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Marvelous photos of this heron. Amazing !
Best regards, Synnöve

Liz said...

Absolutely wonderful captures Carole. It's interesting to see they don't sleep like most birds??

Ida said...

Oh how funny. I love it when little kids do the (sleep fighting thing like that) but I've never seen a bird do it until now.

Unknown said...

Fun shots!

Unknown said...

Fantastic shots Carole. Your story gave me a chuckle. I can certainly relate to that.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Carole Well that made me laugh. great shots. I know just how he feels!