21 February 2014

have you seen this video .. the Squirrel and Hawk?

Sent to me today, I know it will be one many of you also, will marvel at the amazing photography and sequences of nature at large.


Ercotravels said...

Wonderful video!!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Carole that is an amazing video and thanks for sharing it with us. I just don't know how they managed to get all the shots, to know where with the bird would fly to or the squirrel would leap to and as for getting a shot fro the inside of the nest is incredible. Have a great weekend. I am off to the I.O.W. again to my daughters and will be looking after Tilley' the pup, so beware, photos to follow!!!!

eileeninmd said...

Wow, amazing photography and video. Thanks for sharing!

Have a happy weekend!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

oh, thanks for sharing. ( :

Anonymous said...

I am amazed at the photography. I think this must have been put together from a series of shots, how else could the camera get in the hole with the squirrel. You can do what appears to be amazing things when you have the time but when action is taking place you really don't have the time or a way to get ahead of it. It is a marvelous video but staged -- but that is just my opinion.

TexWisGirl said...

yes. they must have had cameras mounted everywhere to capture that much action and close-up views.

Montanagirl said...

"Foiled again"! lol.That's the most amazing wildlife video I've seen! And thank you for sharing.

Jeanne said...

That video is quite amazing. Loved it!

Anonymous said...

I'd be thrilled just to be able to film something like the opening 20 seconds of this video! I have so many questions now. Thanks for showing this.

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

It is amazing in many ways ... it is rare, at least around here, for the Red Tail to even show interest in the squirrel, unless they are really starving. The squirrels will fight back and the risk of injury to the hawk is high which they seem to know even if they win in the end. If they are injured, they can't hunt or it could get infected and they will die. But that said I agree with Margaret ... it is amazing how they managed to get all of the shots and angles in this video. It is truely beautiful, as you said, in the sequence of nature shown. Thank you for sharing ...

Andrea @ From the Sol

Unknown said...

Sure its staged but it shows the reality of life for a squirrel and the way hawks hunt... beautiful photography and must have taken months to get all the shots to put it together like that.

Carole M. said...

Yes of course it had to be ‘staged’ to capture so much detail, and you can only admire the ingenious creativity exhibited by all involved.

It is deserved of it’s own highly accredited award somewhere (if not already been recognized).

Jan Castle said...

BEAUTIFUL VIDEO CAROLE!!! I was holding my breath rooting for the squirrel - LOL! Good ending!!!

DeniseinVA said...

Amazing video Carole, thanks for sharing it. I was actually holding my breath to see how this story unfolded.

Irma said...

Hi Carole,
Wow, spectacular and amazing photography and video.

Roy Norris said...

Yes this is an amazing video Carole. Lovely to watch.