01 June 2013

Sooty Owl and Barking Owl

the Sooty Owl

Owned by Mark Culleton, seen at O'Reillys Retreat, Lamington N.P. Qld, as part of his fabulous birds of prey flight show

Barking Owl

and I was really pleased to actually hear what a barking owl sounds like when Mark made the suggestion to his owl, it succinctly voiced "woof-woof"

The beautiful Barn Owl and Grey Goshawk were on previous post here.


Isidro Ortiz said...

Bonitas capturas de estas preciosas rapaces nocturnas.Un abrazo

Red Nomad OZ said...

So lovely to see such fantastic close-ups of these gorgeous owls. I've never seen a Sooty owl in the wild, but have been tricked by a barking owl more than once in the bush ...

Dianne said...

Stunning captures Carole ... What beautiful eyes on the Barking Owl.

Mathilda said...

So schön und wundervolle Fotos!!

LG Mathilda ♥

eileeninmd said...

Wow, they are both beautiful birds. And it is awesome to see them up close. Wonderful photos, Carole!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

always such a fan of owls. nice!! ( :

TexWisGirl said...

they're just stunning! both beautiful soft colorations, too!

TexWisGirl said...

oh, and i love your header. :)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful. I can see how each came by the name they have.

Phil Slade said...

Wonderful shots Carole. How nice to be able to get so close.

Anonymous said...

oh how lovely shots you took up close. They are really beautiful foul.

Barn owls. Wow!

I seen a cute program a week ago. A young couple getting married in the country.

So as the wedding was to be started. Some forestry people had come to release an owl they had looked after since a baby and it had grown like this you have shown.

So they asked the couple if they would like to let it go like how some let love birds fly on wedding day. They said of course. So with camera crew to take pictyres and all. That couple will have a real rememberance of the Wedding day. A real surprise of delght for them to be part of.

The owl flew up to the highest tree branch and the camera guy took a shot of the owl looking down to the young couple and them looking up. It was so beautiful the shot. I am sure it made the Geographic Magazine Front Picture Cover .Inside the page one with the Owl looking down.

Ida said...

I find owls to be fascinating and your shots of these 2 are just amazing. They are gorgeous birds.

FilipBlog said...

An owl is a fascinating bird, it never looks tired.


Bruce Clark said...

Very nice shots. Love seeing the details in the feathers.

Jeanne said...

How wonderful to get these close up shots of these owls. Such amazing eyes they have and great close ups!

Jan Castle said...

WOW Carole...how did you ever get so close!!!! Stunning pictures!

Montanagirl said...

Beautiful close-ups of the owls. I've never heard of a barking owl!!

Lisa Gordon said...

What a magnificent creature, and you have captured it so beautifully.