28 June 2013

Rainbow Lorikeet

today, nectar indulging from flowering Eucalypt sp. gumblossoms

Location: Rathmines, Lake Macquarie, N.S.W.


Pantherka said...

Wonderful ...

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Carole Another one of my favorite birds, probably because when my daughter and family lived in Sydney, my grandson who was about 3 loved 2 of these birds that came to our veranda every day. we called them Sukie and Polly and they fed from our hands. Have a great weekend. Margaret

Irma said...

Hi Carole,
Beautiful pictures of the rainbow lorikeet.
The third picture is my favorite.
Thanks for sharing.
Best regards, Irma

Anonymous said...

Ain't he a beauty? as Steve Irwin would say.

Isidro Ortiz said...

Bonitas tomas.Un abrazo

Montanagirl said...

Such beautiful coloring on the Lorikeets

Shaun said...

Thats very pretty and also very colourful bird. Very nice capture. !

eileeninmd said...

Another one of my favorites, I love this colorful bird. Great shots!

Jan Castle said...

Makes a beautiful picture...and mounted on a card - simply stunning!!! Thanks Carole for sharing!
Paper Hugs,

Merlesworld said...

We have these lovely fellows visit, they are lovely to look at but oh so noisy.

Stewart M said...

I remember the first time I saw one of these birds - I thought that somebody was having a joke - how can anything be that bright!

Now I have them in my garden!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Dzjiedzjee said...

It really is s beauty Carole!

Best regards from the Netherlands,
Gert Jan

Deanna said...

Again, what beauties!!

Evelyn S. said...

I continue to be amazed by the bright colors of the birds you see. (Love the birds in the new header, too!)

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Marvelous photos of this colorful bird and the Eukalyptus tree. So beautiful !

Anonymous said...

I am just in awe to think that this is not some rare bird. It seems so exotic to me...and it is so beautiful. Lovely pictures.

Helma said...

Carole brilliant colors. And also so moo bright. I only see these beautiful parrots in a pet store or at the zoo.

Sharyl said...

I would love to look out of doors and see these brilliantly colored birds! The plants are wonderfully interesting too! I'm living on the wrong side! ;-)

Quynh Le said...

Beautiful shot, and awesome blog. I make sure visit more often. Thanks for your comments on my picture from "shutterbugs capturing the world around us".