21 June 2013

Gum Swamp, Forbes, N.S.W.

An inland wetland sanctuary attracting many bird species throughout the year. Even in times of drought, this location is reported to remain with good water levels.

White-bellied Sea Eagles

crunchy underfoot

 nest belonging to the White-bellied Sea Eagles, along-with a pair of Galahs 

Sharing with N.F. Winged


Annemor said...

Must be great to have such an eldorado for birdwatching an photograping.
Best whises.

MitchyLR said...

Great shots!! Wetlands are always good for bird photography. There's one about 30 miles from me that I visit regularly.

Irma said...

Hi Carole,
Beautiful pictures of the White-bellied Sea Eagles
The Galahs are beautiful, they are not here in the Netherlands.
Kind regards, Irma

eileeninmd said...

I love the wetlands, such a great habitat for the birds. the Sea Eagles are very cool and I love the pretty Galahs! Beautiful photos, have a happy weekend!

Unknown said...

It's a beautiful place. I love the eagles. Have a lovely weekend!

Bruce Clark said...

Love the very first shot. It feels very calm.

TexWisGirl said...

really a cool place with great crags for nesting and resting. love your birds!

Anonymous said...

You have such the neatest places to explore. I can imagine Harry Butler having been here.

Evelyn S. said...

Again, you've captured some wonderful bird images! That place is fascinating, with the "skeletons" of trees.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Wonderful photos. I was wondering if some of them would look good in Black and White. Lovely reflections. Have a great weekend. Margaret

Phil Slade said...

I'm just amazed by the available light you have Carole. Those Sea Eagles sat there together are just sublime and the Galah's colours blend in so well with the stark trees and that light again.

FilipBlog said...

Reminds me a bit of the Everglades.


Jan Castle said...

I agree...the Everglades in So. Florida, USA. Glad to see the water rather than the cracked earth...and the lovely birds!

Helma said...

Especially those birds with the red chest intrigue me. What are those birds Carole? Also all bare trees and I see here at the places where the cormorants sitting :-)

Montanagirl said...

Nice shots of the White-bellied Sea Eagles. I have never seen one of those!