10 June 2013

Pied Cormorant

...being able to see the evidence of fishing lines is a little disturbing.  Surely they don't use it as nesting material, but more I expect it has gotten hooked up on their feet and taken up there that way.  

thinking they were the "Little, Pied Cormorant" but distance, with my amateur birding knowledge, made it hard to discern

see the pine trees behind the boat shed ... the cormorants were nesting way up top of those

this must've been the penthouse suite I think


Phil Slade said...

They are attractive and dinky little cormorants Carole. It is worrying seeing fishing line like that where water birds are concerned. I love your landsape shot - superb light you captured on the water.

diane b said...

Wow there are a lot of them nesting in the one tree. Great shot with the wings outstretched.

eileeninmd said...

It is cool seeing a flock of the Cormorants together. They are pretty, great shots!

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Marvelous photos of this special bird. He looks very friendly. The cormorant in Europe are just black.

Isidro Ortiz said...

Buenas capturas Carole.Un abrazo

Irma said...

Hi Carole, this beautifully Cormorants with white belly.
Here are cormorants all dark in color.
Regards, Irma

TexWisGirl said...

your black and white cormorants are just handsome! wonderful!

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Beautiful birds and beautiful shots - our cormorants are solid black - I love the way the white shows up in the photos.

Anonymous said...

Such rich colors and seeing how far away from the tree tops you were, great shots.

Rosemary said...

Great photos, especially against that clear blue sky. I've never seen a flock of cormorants all gathered in a tree before.

Brian King said...

Beautiful birds! I like the black and white color combo! The blue sky background is fantastic!

Jan Castle said...

Great close ups Carole!!! I've only viewed them on the water or at a distance.....lovely birds!

Dianne said...

Lovely captures Carole against a perfect blue sky.

Stewart M said...

Great bird - its remarkable (and annoying) where fishing line ends up. I fish and 9 times out ten 10 I end taking home long lengths of abandoned line.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Montanagirl said...

I love them all, but the first and last shots are priceless! Love the Bird's eye view in the last one.

Montanagirl said...

I commented on this post earlier, but see it didn't post. Now I'm learning that no one is getting my blog feed either so that they see my updated post today on the Pheasant. Some days I hate Blogger. I hope this one posts. Really like your photos.

Liz said...

I am fascinated by Cormorants! Their incredible ability to fly as they do, to swim and to dive for long distances under water!!
I also posted Pied Cormorants this week for WBW!! I also included just on pic of the Little Pied Cormorant to show the difference in size and features.