11 March 2014

White-faced heron


 getting ready




Birds in Backyards fact-sheet on the White-faced heron is here

Sharing with Wild Bird Wednesday


Bob Bushell said...

What a beautiful Heron, fantastic photos Carole.

Hootin Anni said...

Gotta love this post Carole!! And the commentary below each image...so true, so true.

The Heron is gorgeous.

Phil Slade said...

Smashing pictures Carole. Herons can be so good for getting a series of shots like that.

Montanagirl said...

Lovely set of photos, Carole. I wonder, did he ever get any lunch?

TexWisGirl said...

i just love your white-faced herons! beautiful photos, carole!

Irma said...

Beautiful photos of the heron, Carole.
All perfectly photographed, well done.
Greetings Irma

Anonymous said...

He had more patience than you? Really nice images Carole.

Unknown said...

Wow, these are great captures Carole.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Carole Good to see the Heron from all angles. all great shots.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Carole I must apoligise for not getting back to you about the Sanderling. I did look it up and decide it was the Red necked Stint because in the 4th shots, the bird on the left has a hind toe and Sanderlings do not have a hind toe, also the flight feathers go further than the tail although this is quite difficult to see in any of your shots. apart from that, red necked Stints are your smallest wader (Aus)much small er than Sanderlings although you have no way of knowing size from you shots either. I am sure your friend may have explained all this. sorry for delay. I have too much on!!

mick said...

A great series of photos. You did well to get such clear and close photos - I find them difficult to get close to.

Rajesh said...

Amazing shots of heron great clarity.

DeniseinVA said...

I love your white-faced heron. Great shots Carole!

Unknown said...

Wonderful series of photos of the heron.

Merlesworld said...

Great pic's

eileeninmd said...

Carole, Your White-faced heron is a beautiful bird. Great shots!

Brian King said...

What a gorgeous bird! I love the third photo! Nicely done!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

neat hairs. ( :

Jan Castle said...

He's a real looker! TFS Carole.

Helma said...

My compliments for these photos of the Heron.
Truly a wonderful series!

Gordon said...

Nice one Carole, I like to see someone with a sence of humor, to say nothing of the great shots.
All the best Gordon.

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Marvelous photos of this heron. Gorgeous !
Best regards, Synnöve

Wally Jones said...

Carole, nice series of the heron!
They can be so patient. I guess that's why I'm not that great at fishing.

Really splendid photographs!

Stewart M said...

Even though these birds are common (well, common ish) I still love watching them.

Nice pictures.

In my jet lagged state I was rather grateful for auto-focus!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Ida said...

Herons are such funky looking birds, all lanky and gangly but also very cool looking. - Your got great shots of this one.