18 January 2013

while the temperature's rising outdoors..

  I've been changing the image frequently over the past hour, as the temperature continues to rise, and by the time I've uploaded this one, it's likely to have gone up again. I might be back!
46.6 celcius = 115.88 degrees fahrenheit
 I'm thinking about  hallucinating!  I keep seeing this beautiful iced-tea I sipped when at Circular Quey recently.


TexWisGirl said...

looks great! stay cool!

Montanagirl said...

Now that looks inviting! Stay in the shade!!

Joyful said...

Wow! I can't imagine it being that hot! Please try and keep cool. That ice tea does look so yummy and refreshing.

diane b said...

OMG that is hot! We haven't had it over 35 but its hot and humid. Thank goodness we have AC but the electricity bill will be enormous. The iced tea does look cooling.

Joop Zand said...

My goodness Carole....keep it cool.

greetings, Joop

Irma said...

What a high temperature Carole, I should not think.
I can not stand the heat.
Here it is - 2 degrees now, which I find much better.
Greetings Irma

Dianne said...

Oh my goodness Carole! that is Hot ....hopefully by now it will be a tad cooler .... Watch the tennis & make yourself an iced coffee or tea like in you pic.

Jenni said...

We had 41 yesterday and I thought that was bad! 46! Phew!! Hope you have good aircon/fans.That iced tea looks delish!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

looks refreshing. yummy. ( :

Anonymous said...

Gerne hätte ich es jetzt auch warm, aber es ist bei und bitterkalt.
LG Mathilda ♥

Deanna said...

we are just about ready to go into a deep freeze...and you are enjoying beautiful iced-tea but sweltering. hmm stay cool while I will try to stay warm.

Anonymous said...

Hi Carole
My brain would be total mush in those temps. Unusual for us but we are experiencing temp on the plus side right now. I prefer it to stay cold once that happens rather than yoyo.
Keep cool - stay in the shade and drink lots of iced tea, water etc.
Burtine, Canada

Judy said...

Well, you could certainly send some of that warmth this way!! I have not checked the thermometer outside since I got up. It was -22C, and that is just too cold for me any more!!!

Anonymous said...

115?! I have to take a trip south to the deserts to find those temperatures. Hard for me to visualize it is like that where you live. I like the two glasses photo.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Wow! That is hot. I would be hallucinating too! The ice tea looks refreshing. Stay cool!

Roy Norris said...

I think your cracking up under the strain of the heat Carole.{:))
I don't have to think about snow as there is plenty outside.{:))

Brian King said...

My goodness! I keep forgetting we're in opposite seasons. We're in the 20's (F) here.

Bob Bushell said...

I long for a temperature like that, lovely.

Anonymous said...

Wow, it has been 80 degrees here in south Florida and I thought I was warm. Its no wonder your hallucinating, Carole.

Keep cool!

Jan Castle said...

WOW...we are in the low 30's F here in Salem, OR! Really cold for us...and with freezing fog at night!

Evelyn S. said...

Oh my! That is MUCH hotter than I've ever experienced! Wow! I just spent two days driving west across Oregon and then back today...the highest temperature during the two days was 37 degrees F. for about 15 minutes; the lowest was 6 degrees, also for about 15 minutes. The remainder of the time, it was between 26 - 32 degrees. ;-)

Unknown said...

I really felt for you all over in NSW on Friday, what a mixed bag of weather you guys are having over there. I sit watching the cricket and it is raining at the moment in Sydney.

Laura said...

I cannot imagine dealing with such heat! Hoping your weather cools off soon!!!

Jeanne said...

Wow! That is hot by anyones standards. Hope you get a weather break soon!

Kay said...

That is hot!! Stay cool Carole. It's snowing here and below zero temperatures and no end in sight.

Jeanne said...

Hope your weather has cooled off a bit. Were you affected by all of the rain?