11 October 2012

Walking Circular Quay to Lavender Bay - Part Four

...more from Wendy Whitely's 'Secret Garden'
Quaint steps and rustic hand-rails, with flowering cliveas

the greenish trunks belong to Brugmansia (Angels Trumpet).  We'll just have to imagine how pretty when beautiful flowers drape overhead the garden seating


this ideally isn't for public access, but more-so for the gardeners

Irisene (Bloodleaf, origin Brazil)


Liz said...

This looks lovely and indeed like a "secret garden".

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

I'm loving those old steps, especially the first photo with the orange flowers.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Wonderful colors and pictures -- I love this and all of your posts on Circular Quay have been just lovely! thanks for sharing (especially since it's a secret garden!)

Anonymous said...

Was für ein romantischer Garten das ist!

Lieben Gruss Elke

TexWisGirl said...

i like the steps and rocks and that old wheelbarrow. :)

Anonymous said...

This a wonderful garden built along a sloping hillside. Those rustic steps and tree branch handrails are the best.

Unknown said...

I fell in love with that beautiful place.

Anonymous said...

Bin sehr gerne mitgegangen, es war wunderschön und deine Fotos fantastisch.

LG Mathilda

Judy said...

What a gorgeous garden!! I love the handrails that are made from vines!! That's surprising! And the irisene - I have tried to grow it many times, but it does not like my haphazard watering schedule...

Jan Castle said...

What a fun and beautiful stroll/walk/climb!!!

Sharyl said...

What a beautiful garden! The crickety steps and walk rails are so wonderful to look at...not so great to climb, I imagine!