04 October 2012

heading back to the dry country again

Back to harsh reality, dry, inland roads ...

Through the windscreen; turning right, and just  3 kms to Quambone.  The marshes country is but a distant memory by now and only about 18 klms away.  

So what's at Quambone then?  Well you could buy a quaint ole' post office  for just $75,000.00, or if you've a cool $5.5 million tucked away, you might like 8,0000 or so hectares (almost 20,0000 acres), with a C1928 homestead and more, all within 12 klms.

As we drove round the corner this picket fence caught my eye, and a quaint weatherboard church. 

It was St. Pauls Anglican Church, and I'm wondering if that's not the inner of a washing-machine for the potted cactus?  There was identical one,  the other side of the gate too.

Welcome to "the smallest Library" Quambone, N.S.W., this wide.  

...and that deep.  Shame it wasn't open on the day.

back to the ute, and onwards shall we?

Cattle truck ahead and ominous skies

Slow down ..cattle out for some dry pickings on the roadside verges

Herefords, with a bit of a teaser on the other side of the fence wouldn't you say?


TexWisGirl said...

i like that little church and white picket fence. love the wash tub you spied. :)

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Not too different to the marvellous scenes we have passed through over the last week....

We live in a wondrous and big country.

Anonymous said...

"the smallest library"..cool, now you're doing my thing. I had several "smallest chapels" on my lists and funny, I never made it to even one. But didn't have a single library listed. I'll have to search one out in the States here. Love that country of yours.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Cute little church, fence, and Library.

ZielonaMila said...

Fantastic photographs, fine views. I am greeting

Brian King said...

Love the church and library! Both are quite small. I'm not quite up to $5.5 million yet. I've only put away about $4 million so far. :-)

Rosemary Aubut said...

Beautiful scenery! Loving the church and fence!

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Wonderful photos from your trip. Beautiful sunshine and lovely cows.

Anonymous said...

Das sieht nach Wärme aus, die bei uns fehlt, es ist kalt und regnerisch.

LG Mathilda ♥

Irma said...

Beautiful pictures of your trip, beautiful scenery.

Karin M. said...

A very beautiful and interesting photo series. I particularly like the little church ....
Best regards, Karin

Montanagirl said...

Great series of images. LOVE that little church with the white picket fence...the skies are impressive too!

Jan Castle said...

Little seems to be the word...and in such a vast area! Beautiful captures Carole.
Paper Hugs,

Connie Smiley said...

Great tour! Love that little old church.