20 August 2013

Bird watching today ...

for a while it was all about the Willie Wagtail; though he doesn't really have a yellow tummy

 flitting about the grass kicking up insects

till a couple little red-browed firetails appeared,

 can you believe angelic-looking Willie Wagtail ousted them from his domain each time?

several Satin Bowerbirds eating whatever it is they love to pick up.  They always seem to have big mouthfuls of roundish looking vegetation, wondering if it's clover?

they had been tucked away in the shadows there

 one flew up in the light momentarily, gosh I thought for a minute I might've got a decent shot but they don't stick around long enough!

Especially since all mirth broke out above them; caught me by surprise, so a fumbled attempt to capture the sounds.  Maybe you better turn your volume down a touch?

Sharing with Wild Bird Wednesday


Joop Zand said...

Nice area and again a few lovely bird pictures....i like them very much.

Greetings and a hug, Joop

Kerri Farley said...

Wonderful captures!!!!

Anonymous said...

They sound like monkeys on the video.

A wagtail never heard of them. So was interesting to see it.

Thanks for sharing.

Montanagirl said...

Wow, so cool! I loved the Kookaburras laughing!

Anonymous said...

Their loud cackling cries made me smile an caught me by surprise also Carole :)
Great shots as always.

Irma said...

Hi Carole,
Great series of these beautiful birds.
Photo 3 and 4 are ferfect sharp and with lots of details, compliments.
Greetings Irma

TexWisGirl said...

loved seeing all of these birds - those eyebrows on the first 2 types! nice!

but that video made me bust out laughing!!

Anonymous said...

The fire tail, that is a new one to me. Loved the sounds. Reminds me of jungle movies I'd watch as a young boy.

Brian King said...

Very handsome with the black and white outfit! The little Firetails are pretty with the splashes of red!

Bob Bushell said...

Beauty, they are work of arts.

Laura said...

Beautiful photos, Carole! And what a great sound recording! Amazing that we can share pictures and sound across the miles! Thank you!
hugs, Laura

eileeninmd said...

Carole, I love your birds. Lovely shots of the Wagtail and the pretty Firetails. The video had me giggling.

Christian Perrin said...

Your video reveals either a very steady hand or a tripod - my filming attempts are way jerkier!

Lovely photos. The Firetails have also been very photogenic up here in Brisbane lately!

I also think that Casuarina woodland like that is an unusual habitat for Satin Bowerbirds. That's a nice little find there!

Jan Castle said...

Lovely birds Carole...love the little red beak and tail on one.

Carole M. said...

glad you each enjoyed today's post with the kookaburras laughing video added too. Christian: no tripod, have one but don't take it birding, too cumbersome to find a bird up in the trees. Besides I think a tripod in the mix would only add to spooking the birds. I've a reasonably steady hand, but on this occasion I was using the car as a hide and was using the window ledge to rest upon

mick said...

A great series of photos and you couldn't find anything more typically "Aussie" than the sound of the kookaburras.

Neil said...

Great series.

Unknown said...

Love the audio. He sounds as crazy as our pileated woodpeckers. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Unknown said...

Wonderful shots of the wagtail and the firetail.

CabinGirl said...

Wonderful photos of birds I've never seen. Love the names, too!

grammie g said...

Hi Carole... The Red Tailed Firetails are just a stunning looking bird, shame on Willie Wagtail ; )!!
Oh my at first I thought those birds on video where monkeys, yes they are very loud!!

Liz said...

What a wonderful area for birding!