21 December 2012

A sweet Christmas video by the littlies in New Zealand

Forwarded onto me recently, I so loved this video that I thought it's got to bounce around the world some more. You may not have seen it yet ....?



Joop Zand said...

Lovely video Carole.....very nice to see.

Greetings, Joop

Elizabeth Edwards said...

so cute. i love the accents within the video. so precious. ( :

Anonymous said...

Dankeschön ein wundersüsses Weihnachtsvideo!
Lieben Gruss Elke

Jeanne said...

I love this! It is just adorable. Thanks for sharing and have a lovely christmas

Jeanne said...

Have to say one more thing! Everyone in the world should see this several times. I just love it.!

Irma said...

Hi Carole, beautiful video of the kids who play the Christmas story.
Have a nice day, Irma

TexWisGirl said...

so sweet. very special.

Anonymous said...


Auch für dich ein schönes Weihnachtsfest und alles Gute im neuen Jahr wünscht ♥ Mathilda

Anonymous said...

That was neat. Thanks for sharing it.

Horst in Edmonton said...

Wonderful video, Carole, you have an awesome Christmas and A Happy New Year.

Montanagirl said...

Wonderful video! Those children are just darling.

trixiegirl5192 said...

Precious! Thanks for sharing!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

So cute, Carole! Love that littlest wise man.

Marilyn said...

This is so special I posted on my blog. Thanks for sharing, Carole.

Sharyl said...

I loved this so much, I had to call my family around to come watch it! It's just so adorable!