16 September 2013

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo

A penny for your thoughts - with such a quizzical glance, you have to wonder what they're processing.

Been picking on some clover by the looks of it, and as familiar as these cockatoos are, I still think they're good photo material.  Their raucous screeching isn't especially favoured though when they venture to the 'burbs. 

...a row of Sulphur-Crested Cockatoos at Centennial Park, Sydney

yep, I'm still here, sitting on the grass snapping away while you picnic

loud screeching to one side of me; this pair started having a tackle; I think the one on left had been the instigator.  Looks like the one on the right is making a sideways getaway

#80 on the run; wants nothing to do with it

so let's just get along now shall we?

and forget anything ever happened.


Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Such a beauty ! Wonderful white cockatoo. Amazing !

Dzjiedzjee said...

They act like it is a beauty contest ;-)
Great job!

Greetings from the Netherlands,

Joop Zand said...

Lovely birds Carole...it's a good serie photo's.

Greetings, Joop


eileeninmd said...

They are beautiful birds, I would love to see them in the wild. Here they would be in cages :(

Wonderful photos! Have a great week!

Jeanne said...

These birds are just amazingly beautiful, and I will nevser get over just seeing them out in the wild. Does anyone in Australia keep these as pets? Here they are very expensive.... like $ 2000., and quite a few people have them. Much more beautiful out in the wild like these are. Looks as if you were right up by them.

Carole M. said...

thanks to each of you for your comments. Jeanne - yes some do have these cockatoos as pets here too. These ones were pretty relaxed with people walking near; I was able to sit on the grass and zoom in up close.

Ramakrishnan said...

Stumbled accidentally into your post through Texwis Girl. Boy am I delighted to see this enthralling post of captivating cockatoos !best Regards Ram

Unknown said...

I just love watching the white cockatoos going about their business. It is usually head down and bum up. Well photographed, to get the bit of clover in its beak, Carole

sarah dare said...

Wonderful photos, you have lots of patience. It seems as though you are communicating with all these great birds.

Montanagirl said...

Wonderful shots! What an amazing bird, and I like their yellow head feathers!

TexWisGirl said...

such marvelous birds!!!

Irma said...

Great photos of this crested Cockatoo.
All very sharp and full of detail.
My favorite photos are 1,4 and 8.
Greetings Irma

Anonymous said...

The tags look rather cumbersome. I'd think leg bands would be just as readable with a good pair of binos.

Anonymous said...

My one friend owns this kind of bird.

He is a noisy boy.

Her being an italian gal. She puts on a big spread of meal when I had lunch and has her kitchen in rec room as well in basement.

I mean it was real cosy , clean like a kitcen upstairs.

So when we were eating. He screetched so much and flying around. He sort of scared me.

Maria had to put him on the other side of the room in his cage.

Saucy boy he was. Then he was quiet.

Like your pictures. Oh wow.

Brian King said...

Love those head feathers! These guys look like they're full of themselves! LOL!

Roy Norris said...

Amazing head plumage Carole. It looks like a colour that you just couldn't make up, so natural.

DeniseinVA said...

I have only seen cockatoos on a rare occasion. The last time was at San Diego Zoo several years ago and I remember its screech. I can't imagine how noisy it must be to get so many in one spot, but what a thrill that would have been for me to see as many as have in your photos. I love them and think they have wonderful personalities. Great photos Carole!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i will go & read about the tags - i am curious. what cuties. i love the yellow. ( :

Jan Castle said...

Talk about Gorgeous!!!! We do not have them anywhere except in zoos, etc. here in the USA - maybe Hawaii??? It would be a real treat seeing them in mass and in the open - TFS Carole!!!! Enjoyed my TREAT!

Lisa Gordon said...

Oh Carole, they are just adorable!

Haddock said...

Ha ha ... like that caption "nothing to do wit it"
What I like about them is their screeching.

Christian Perrin said...

Great photos of some very willing subjects by the look of it! I was always impressed by the number of cockatoos that thrive in Sydney. I even remember seeing flocks of Black Cockatoos flying through Bronte!

Phil Slade said...

Love the cockatoo line-up Carole. Great shots. Don't think I'd mind hearing them screeching through our garden on this miserable wet morning in the UK.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Honestly I ca barely imagine seeing those birds just plaing(?)on the lawn while you snap their picture. Fabulous.

diane b said...

Super snaps and entertaining captions. My neighbour has a screeching one in a cage. I hate to see birds caged and I certainly hate the screeching and monotonous whistle.

theconstantwalker said...

These are wonderful birds to see Carole....

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Carole Wonderful series of shots of this lovely bird.