27 May 2013

Australian Brush Turkey

Unfortunately these might come under the love them or loathe them category.  If you live near to a bushland setting and these birds are about, they can invade neighbourhood gardens and create ... well, let's say, chaos.  That's the rumour.....

If 'we' left gardens as a natural setting like this, nothing would appear out of place.  Excepting maybe a heat-generating incubation mound measuring up to 4 metres (13 feet) wide, to hatch their eggs.

...reading in part: Little survivors, parent birds do not recognise their chicks when they hatch and play no part in raising them.

how neat that vertical tail fan

crossing pathway ahead on the Booyong walk (O'Reilly's Retreat, Lamington National Park, Qld).  More on 'the Booyong walk' tomorrow.

Australian Brush-turkey fact-sheet from Birds in Backyards


Brian King said...

Nuisance or not, those are good looking turkeys! Not what I'm accustomed to seeing as ours are quite different. This is another new bird for me.

Irma said...

Beautiful pictures Carole.
The turkey looks very different as ours.
Regards, Irma

Bob Bushell said...

They are beautiful birds, in fact, all birds are fantastic. Pure brilliant.

eileeninmd said...

Your turkeys are neat, great photos!

Mathilda said...

Ein interessanter Vogel und sehr schöne Fotos.
LG Mahilda ♥

TexWisGirl said...

really cool bird! and not parenting their chicks? wow!

Anonymous said...

I think our turkeys are a bit more handsomer, but maybe that is just that I am used to seeing them all the time. Interesting they don't help with the young chicks. I believe ours do.

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Great shots and interesting information - we have wild turkeys here too but I don't know how they hatch their eggs - I'll have to research that.

mick said...

Ooh! I like your photos of the Brush Turkeys much better than mine! Therese said you have posted these!


That is one fasinating bird, well captured and shown.

A Creative Grace said...

Great shots there :)

Deanna said...

hmm, interesting that they don't raise their own chicks, but they do have beautiful feathers.

Jan Castle said...

Good looking turkey!!! Hope no one takes him home for dinner!

Julie said...

The most I have counted in my backyard is 7. One of my cats sleeps down the back during the day. which wards them off, but he is inside during the night. They create mayhem.

Liz said...

I don't have a great opinion of these birds already, but reading that they don't raise their young lowers my opinion even more.
Great snaps though, Carole!!