17 August 2012

Flowering natives near the ocean

Near this walkway at Munmorah State Conservation Area, administered by National Parks & Wildlife Services, signage reads "birds travel thousands of kilometres to nest on islands along the coast of south east Australia.  The island you can see from here is Birdie Island - once used as a practice bombing target in World War II.  Now protected as a nature reserve the island is an importan nesting site for migratory waterbirds including oystercatchers and shearwaters.

On the other side of the parking area here is a lovely walking path where these shrubs were flowering



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Brian King said...

That ocean view is beautiful! It's nice to see shoreline that isn't crowded with beach umbrellas. Lovely blooms, too!

Anonymous said...

To add to Brian's comment, it is nice to see it is not raining bombs on the offshore islands too.

TexWisGirl said...

i like the petals of the ti-tree. :)

renae said...

ooooh Carole, I love the first photos sky!!

Yes my 'family' photo is wonderful. That is a cute way of stating it, huh?

Have a great weekend. Don't work too hard.

joanne said...

sand, surf, and sky - super shots....and then add those lovely delicate blossoms....

Mary said...

So pretty...These last white flowers, I haven't ever seen...beautiful post, as per usual, gratefully. Mary

Jan Castle said...

Lovely flowers at the seashore! I'm always surprised when I see flowers on and near the beach...I don't know why!
Paper Hugs,

Sharyl said...

Love those ti-trees! The petals look like very thin, very delicate soft paper! The middles are so interesting too!

I'm realizing the longer I look at them that this is the way I've drawn flowers my whole life... a circle in the center with 5 petals all spaced out. These are MUCH prettier than mine! :-)

anastasia said...

so lovely!
and the bee seems to appreciate it, too! :)

Liz said...

What a lovely walk. It looks like the weather is warming up down your way too!

Fitness Buff said...

First time I've seen these flowers. Thanks for sharing.

My entry.

Valerie said...

Great capture of the bee - well observed! The tea tree is particularly appealing too. Thanks for sharing.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Delightful series of shots.
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