01 August 2012


Location: Warners Bay 

My Birds of Australia reference book says in part that the Darter is a cormorant-like bird, with a long sinuous neck.  That the male variable, but usually glossy black, with narrow white streak down side of dark chestnut neck.  Female, paler and browner ------- so this one appears to be then, the female Darter.

Later addition:  I received an email from pacman/Birds in Backyards forums to advise me that this darter is in fact a male.  I appreciate someone with the knowledge of these waterbirds to help me 'get it right'. 

...can you stretch your neck right out?  I'm looking for a nice long profile shot for Wild Bird Wednesday


come ... on!

o.k. then

Sharing with Wild Bird Wednesday


Unknown said...

Great close ups!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

TexWisGirl said...

they look very much like the anhinga. cool bird!

mick said...

Great photos. Birds never seem to do what I want them to either!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

what an interesting looking bird. so fun. (:

eileeninmd said...

Great bird, it does look similar to the Cormorants. Wonderful shots for your WBW.

theconstantwalker said...

Wonderful images Carole..

Neil said...

Great photos.Maybe one day they will do what we want them to do.

Brian King said...

LOL! Maybe she doesn't like cameras. Great feather textures! They do look very much like a cormorant or anhinga. Nice hide-and-seek shots!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos Carole.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

I guess she didn't want to have her profile featured.

Jan Castle said...

Your coaxing did not seem to work - this time...but, I'll bet it will next time! Still and all, great shots!

Vores have said...

Beautiful close-ups you show :)

FjÀllripan said...

Great series of this cool bird!! /Susanne

Stewart M said...

Nice bird - thanks for trying to get it to pose!

Cheers - Stewart M

Pat said...

So uncooperative!
You got some great shots anyway!

TheChieftess said...

Darned bird!!! Doesn't he know how handsome he'll look if he just sticks his neck out???!!!

cindyrina said...

beautiful...and you able to get that close up!!! awesome!

ZielonaMila said...

Fantastic photographs, beautiful bird. I am greeting

Nadege, said...

Great captures.

Liz said...

Great Darter shots, Carole! I love their patterned plummage.

i stora drag said...

Fantastic series of this bird I´d never seen before! Yes, it looks like a cormorant, which we have in Sweden too!
Greetings Pia

Kay said...

He doesn't want to pose on your blog Carole. ;-) Hopefull next time you have more luck. They are great shots anyway. Don't know this bird.