07 June 2012

Visiting Pro Hart's Art Gallery - Part #1

Location: Broken Hill, N.S.W.

According to Broken Hill and the Outback brochure, Pro Hart 1928-2006, was a man of many talents.  As well as his famous ability as a painter, he designed and constructed a telescope and machine gun.  In 1968 Pro was an underground truck and locomotive driver before he took up painting full time.

painted on cream carpet

Notation: Photographs taken with permission


Jenny said...

I like them and assume the landscapes are of Australia. The dragonfly is great with lots of texture. Thanks for sharing. xo Jenny

Anonymous said...

ich male auch und das fasziniert mich diese wunderschöne Bilder!
Lieben Gruss Elke

Brian King said...

Wow, he is one talented individual! He does fantastic work!

TexWisGirl said...

cream carpet! what a unique medium!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a man with an interesting life. I like his style in the other paintings more so than the dragonfly one.

Jan Castle said...

Interesting and lovely!