25 June 2012

a special toast?

Somehow five years have almost whizzed by since I started blogging.  This morning I happened to notice in passing, the number 499, being how many posts I'd clocked up.  So I felt it timely to make an announcement!

Tried to locate the very first post but only got back to 2009 and then too much wading to go back "older posts" page by page to find it, so I didn't.  It doesn't really matter, but I do know that my blog has changed a lot in the past two years.

Carole's Creative Corner was given that name originally because I was dabbling with various paper-crafts mainly, some stitching projects, graphics play, oh and lots of flowers from my garden; and sharing images through this blog.  At least that's how I remember it all started.  Then I was zentangling (see label) ........until I eventually found I really wanted to spend much more time with my camera.

Blog posts now are definately focussed on whatever it is that I can get to, with the view of taking snapshots to share, and in that pursuit I get a lot of enjoyment.   Thanks to friends too, who might happen to accompany me on occasion, and suddenly find I'm not walking with them anymore!  Where is she .. they look behind and I'm only just ten steps back perhaps; lining up another pic. 

Thanks to each of you who have become friends online, and continue to pop in with some sweet and enthusiastic comments;  I really appreciate your visits to my blog; here's to the next 500?


Anonymous said...

Ich danke dir auch für diese wunderbaren Fotos die du hier zeigst immer und so gratuliere ich dir zu dem 500 Posting!
Ich wünsche dir noch viele Jahre spannednes vor deine Linse und viel Spass!

Lieben Gruss Elke

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Carole!
I had to be nosy and go through your archives, I am in love with your Zentangle Inspired Art (ZIA), especially the river stones and valentines! This is definitly something I will have to try with my Granddaughter.

YOu are one very creative woman!

Joop Zand said...

Congratulations Carole.
It's a wonderfull post.

Greetings, Joop

Laure Ferlita said...

Congratulations, Carole! Seems impossible to see that number roll by, doesn't it?!

Love the variety of your posts....there's always something interesting to see and learn about.

I look forward to the next 500!

TexWisGirl said...

i recently saw a zendala on another blog and thought it was fascinating. your zentangles are neat!

i enjoy viewing your world thru your camera and blog posts. congratulations on 500 posts - and many more to come. :)

Anonymous said...

Good for you. I say that in the sense that earlier this year I came up on my 500th post and didn't know what to do about it so I just moved on. At least you knew. So now the race is on for our 1000th post and I have a head start. Try and catch me if you can. Ha!

Jeannelle said...

Congratulations on your blogging milestone!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Congratulations on your 500th post, Carole! It has been fun following you these past months...seeing your photos and learning more about your beautiful country. Looking forward to seeing the next 500.

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Congrats on your 500th post!
I love your blog & all your beautiful pics !

Min fotogen said...

Congratulations to your 500 Post!

My name is Riet said...

Congratulations on nr 500. Doesn't time fly and we fly with it.

Jan Castle said...

I too want to say 'Congrats' for your 500th post...amazing how time can fly by! Love your photography and see your country through your eyes...but, do miss your cards!!! Hope you reach 1000 before Sinbad - I'm sure you can catch him...LOL!
Paper Hugs from your blogging friend,
Jan in Salem, Oregon, USA

Karin M. said...

Wonderful photo, a pretty flower ...
Congratulations on the 500th post.
Thank you for your wonderful contributions.
Best regards, Karin

DeniseinVA said...

Congratulations Carole, that's an exemplary milestone in the life of a blogger. I enjoy your blog very much, so here's to the next 500 posts.

Lisa Gordon said...

Congratulations Carole!
I am so glad that I found you here.

Lyn S said...

Congrats on 500 posts Carole! I've enjoyed following your creative journey!

Joyful said...

Congratulations on 500 posts and staying committed to your blog :-)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 500th post, Carol.
Thank you for sharing the beauty of your world thru your delightful blog.

Burtine said...

Thanks for so many wonderful and entertaining photos over the past months Carole. Congrats on attaining your 500th blog post. Well done.
Burtine, Canada

CameraCruise said...

Congratulations on 500 posts, I look forward to the next 500.
Beautiful photo of a gorgeous flower.
Wish you a wonderful day, Carole.

Brian King said...

Congratulations, Carole! Your photos are always fantastic!

Sallie (FullTime-Life.com said...

Happy Blog-iversary~~ I like (as a fairly new reader) learning that you've changed your blog as your interests evolve.

Ida said...

Awesome Milestone! You have a wonderful way with photographs and I've so enjoyed popping in from time to time to see them. Here's to many more!

Julie said...

Indeed, the next 500 ... it is interesting to see how our interests change over time ... mine are becoming more geometric and more historical. Lucky there is only enough headspace for 2 historical posts per week.

Judy said...


Kay said...

Hi Carole, I'm just reading this post and see you have something to celebrate: 500 postings!! Wow. congratulations!!! I'm picking up my cup of fenchel tea now and toast for the next 500 postings! LOL. I enjoy so much your blog which give me a chance to see your part of the world but I do miss your other creative outlet....;-)