05 March 2013

Pelican and the White-faced Grey Heron

you weren't taking any pictures of my backside were you?
nope, no way
 I reckon she was
and no rear end pictures of me either, thank you!

better with some distance between us!

Sharing with Wild Bird Wednesday

Yesterdays post Crested Pigeon is here


Seraphinas Phantasie said...

These are wonderful photos of the heron and the seagull. Amazing !

Anonymous said...

Wunderschöne Fotos zeigst du.

LG Mathilda ♥

Jeanne said...

Such beautiful birds carole!!! Great shots

Lisa Gordon said...

Carole, these are wonderful!
I especially love the image of the gull.

Happy day to you!

Montanagirl said...

Nice series of photos. Love the Commentary too! I've never seen a White-faced Gray Heron. Very pretty. Hope you get closer to him!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Very cute! Now I feel so bad that I have thrown away so many good "butt shots."

Anonymous said...

Tail shots, a new angle on bird photography.

theconstantwalker said...

A wonderful post Carole.. nothing like Pelicans on my patch...

Evelyn S. said...

Your birds are worthy of a book, Carole! On my list of birds is the Great Blue Heron, which we have here. They are so shy, though, and I have only two images---both taken with telephoto lenses zoomed to the max!

TexWisGirl said...

cute post. :)

Amanda said...

pelicans are funny things! lovely post

mick said...

Great photos of the birds and I love the glinting light on the water.

Bob Bushell said...

Nice and funny, great photo images Carole.

Brian King said...

LOL! Lots of back ends in this one! Beautiful shots of the pelican! I have to go to Florida to see them.

eileeninmd said...

Great collection of birds and photos! The pelican and heron are my favorites.

Deanna said...

giggle, loved your commentary of the beautiful birds.

Carletta said...

Wonderful shots of both pelican and heron! My favorite is the first one with that glistening water in the background. :)
Have a great week Carole!

Jan Castle said...

That pelican was posing for you to be sure!!! Great pics!

Anonymous said...

does my butt look big from that angle? :-) Cute storyboard for some great captures!

Jane said...

Fabulous photos and great commentary Carole!

Sharyl said...

The great photos are all the more fun with your narrative, Carole! :-)

Vores have said...

Great image series showing. Wish you a good day :) Hanne Bente

Stewart M said...

Nice set of shots - I have a good number of bird bum pictures! Well, I did until I pressed delete!

The crested pigeon in the last post is good - I could not believe them when I saw them first!

Cheers and thanks for linking to WBW.

Stewart M - Melbourne

PS: sorry about posting slip up last night!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Love the huge backside of the pelican! Now that's a rump! Adore the commentary with this gorgeous series of photos!

diane b said...

Very clever captions and fabulous captures of these beautiful birds.

Larry said...

Great shots of the bird behinds Carole. I love the portrait of the Pelican as well and I didn't even know that there was a White-faced Heron! Cool!

Liz said...

Wonderful images, Carole!! I usually refer to the Pelican as a jumbo jet of the avian world... They really are quite graceful even with their sheer size!
Lovely capture of the White-faced Heron too!

Anonymous said...

Great shots with a cute scenario Carole. This is the first White-faced Gray Heron I've seen.

grammie g said...

Hi Carole...First thank you so much for your comments on my posts!
Oh I love your pelican shot's.., and I can see a heart shape on it's backside : ) Maybe it would be more willing at that angle if it
knew that : )
Great great flight shots!!

Adrienne W said...

Super pelican-in-flight pics Carole!
Ours are too hard to get close to :(

Wally Jones said...

Nice series and a different perspective!
They were likely just presenting you with their best side!