31 May 2012

The greatest dunny of them all...

Sharing a fun and quirky entrance to a private residence at Silverton, 25 klms. from Broken Hill, N.S.W.  This proclaimed 'ghost-town' does indulge though in attracting good numbers of tourists.  What an eye-opener; I'm so glad I got to visit Silverton!

This was an Outback Dunny, at the front!  Must add, I didn't use 'the dunny' (Aussie slang for outside toilet) depicted here; I just wanted to give you all a great big Silverton smile for now.

...all fuelled up and longing for that next trip to town

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penny said...

Groovy.. as they would say back in the day. Cool dunny.

Brian King said...

LOL! That's awesome! I love the sign and the feet showing below the door! Somebody has a good sense of humor!

Anonymous said...

What fun pictures! So nice to visit with you today.

The Farmers Daughter said...

This post sure made me smile! So funny. We have an outhouse, too, so I can definitely see the humor in it. I don't think we'll be putting our "dunny" in the front yard, though.
Thanks for sharing and starting my day of right--with a good laugh.

Anonymous said...

was für tolle Fotos vom Käfer an gemalt und das Wc Häuschen *super*

Ich wünsche dir noch schöne Tage!
Lieben Gruss Elke

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

These are such fun pictures!

Amy Burzese said...

Fun place. Thanks for sharing!

Jeanne said...

what great shots Carole! Looks like such a fun place, and especially liked those feet peeking out of the "dunny", and the cute little car. looks like my car from the 60's

Anonymous said...

This place looks fun. I met a lady from Sidney while at Bodie and I remarked on how I suspected Australia would have a lot of ghost towns but she insisted that there were next to none. Maybe the occasional waystation with a building or two but that was it.

TexWisGirl said...

really cute! i like the sign on the gate!

Anonymous said...

What a fun post, I love the paint job on the "bug"!

FilipBlog said...

The "Kever" or bug car looks nice, good paintwork.


Anonymous said...

Who's feet are those peeking out from under the dunny? LOL How funny.

Micha S. said...

Excellent pictures! A good old German car in Australia - wow :-)

Jan Castle said...

Oh goodie...a new word "dunny", along with a wonderful picture for those who can't read!!! LOL! So happy you were able to visit Silverton!!!
Paper Hugs,(crafting paper that is)

Liz said...

Ha!! That's fantastic!!! I think I need to take a visit there.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Fun post. I love the painted bug. Reminds me of the Hippies in the 60's. I'm going to have to remember to use the word "dunny" and see if anyone here knows what it is.

Nancy said...

What a cute and earthy little place ... love the VW Bug! :)

Laura said...

Carole, your blog is always interesting and fun! Great photos! Love seeing your "neck of the woods" and learning the different ways we name things! When I saw the word "dunny" I had no idea ... What fun!

Laura said...

Carole, I love seeing all the different places through your camera lens. Your photos are fantastic! Thanks!

Lyn S said...

That brings back memories, the outside dunny! Always needed to check for spiders before you sat on it, and there was no such thing as toilet paper back then, just some newspaper hanging on a hook......we're so spoilt these days!

Red Nomad OZ said...

Hahaha! But can't believe I missed a) this post and b) the actual dunny - I've been to Silverton a couple of times!!! I have got a few OZ dunny shots people have sent me that I'm planning to put in a post one day soon ... if I actually find time to do it, can I include this one???