19 October 2011

World Bird Wednesday

Deep in thought?  Wedge-tailed Eagle (Aquila audax), at a wonderful bird sanctuary in Ballarat, Victoria (Australia).  It gave me a photograph opportunity I never could achieve otherwise. 

Go here to see more wonderful birds, and participate if you wish.


TexWisGirl said...

that is some beak!

Ebie said...

Thanks, Carole (with an e). You could have wished a wish so you might win a prize.

Hehehe, in Filipino, we call this bird AGUILA, very similar to its "scientific" name, if you may call it.

Jan Castle said...

Now we need a stamp just like this!!! Great shot Carole!

Reena said...

What an awesome capture!

Kelly said...

Oh my goodness...what a gorgeous bird!!

mick said...

Great close-up of the eagle. I've seen them in the wild be never managed a good photo.

2sweetnsaxy said...

Oh, my! What a wonderful shot! Wow!

fjÀllripan said...

Beautiful close up, amazing bird!

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

You really were able to capture a close shot, great opportunity and well done.

Stewart M said...

Hi there - I think it’s only when you see them like this that you get a sense of how big they really are! Nice picture.

Stewart M - Melbourne

Anonymous said...

Love those neck feathers. Great shot.

Unknown said...

He's abeauty!! Boom & Gary of The Vermilon River, Canada.

ArtandArchitecture-SF.com said...

What a stunning bird.

Wenche said...

Woow, wonderful and powerful. Great shot ! :0)

Springman said...

A little bit frightening to be so close. Made me feel like a fish or a mouse about to be undone! Great portrait!

eileeninmd said...

Carole, what an awesome closeup. This eagle is a cool looking bird.

Pat said...

What a great-looking bird!

Kay said...

Waw, great picture Carole! Never seen one this close.

Lisa Gordon said...

This is amazing Carola!
Wonderful pose, and the details you have captured in the feathers is fantastic.

hannah said...

What a brilliant photograph. Makes me want to look into getting a tele lens :-)

Inger-M said...

Wow, what a shot - awesome!

jeanlivingsimple said...

Great close-up shot of a very cool bird!

Ryan Ankeny said...

What a massive bird! You did a great job getting close for this awesome eagle portrait.