02 April 2012

Museum visit

Location: Newcastle Museum
Pipe organ from St. Augustine Anglican Church, Merewether.  According to signage, "there is debate about the intrument's origins but it is known that from 1892 to 1919 the organ was in the drawing room of John St Vincent Welch's home on Sydney's lower north shore.  In 1924, the organ was bought by the Merewether parish and installed in their church, where it has been in use until recently."

Lilywhite washing machine invented by Richard Marsh of East Maitland in 1898.  Ingenious, but it hints of looking still like hard labour!   I might daydream for a moment about clean laundry vs good vino (it does look a little like a keg/cask?) 'cepting it could stain the clothes?  Pink shirts and undies for all the family; would it really matter, so long as Mum was under the weather happy.

local fossils

Phonograph.  I got lost after adding this image.  Wandered away listening to u-tubes from the 1940's - 1950's.  I was going to link to this, but didn't.

This was the same museum where the Model-T Ford was; did you miss that post? ... it's here.


Nadege, said...

A grand looking pipe organ. Nice captures of the displays.

Shaun said...

Those fossils rock (sorry for the bad pun)
A really great series of photos, that grammar phone is a seriously nice piece of history.
Valleys ShutterBug

Joanne said...

Beautiful images, especially the gorgeous phonograph. Though now I'm very thankful for the washing machines of the 21st century!

penny said...

The pipe organ reminds me of my childhood church and singing in the choir with the pipes behind me bellowing out a beautiful melody.
I am a lover of old things, thanks for the lovely memories, Carole.

Have a happy day.. my thanks for visiting my sisters blog and wishing her a Happy Birthday.
cheers :)

TexWisGirl said...

laughing at your doing laundry in a wine cask... THINK PINK! :)

Anonymous said...

That washing machine would work well for cleaning up the kids. Toss a couple inside and in no time, cleaner than in a tub with less mess. I enjoy your museum tours.

momto8 said...

I would love to go there! all of this is very interesting to me.

theconstantwalker said...

Wonderful to see Carole.
Just to let you know you have the highest "Shot tower" still standing in Oz.... I have copied and pasted this from Wiki.

The tallest shot tower ever built in Australia still stands in the Melbourne, Australia suburb of Clifton Hill. This brick structure was built in 1882 and is 160 ft (49 m) high.

Now you have to share it lol.
Take care Drew xx

Roy said...

Yes Carole, that washing machine looks hard work to me.