29 April 2012

Little Pied Cormorant

During my visit to Bobbin Head this week, is where I also found this sweet Little Pied Cormorant.

Sharing with S.O.O.C. Sunday


Les fous du cap said...

Thank you for having made a visit. We love your photos of these Little Pied Cormorant.
The website "EdenWebshops" is really very serious for binoculars.
Best regards.
CĂ©line & Philippe

Linda said...

Very nice of him to pose for you! So pretty...

Anonymous said...

He's more interesting to look at than the Double-crested Cormorant which the only one I've seen.

TexWisGirl said...

really lovely bird!

jeanlivingsimple said...

What a cool bird. I love seeing him with his wings spread!

Lisa Gordon said...

That little face is adorable Carole, and you have captured some wonderful detail in the feathers.

Happy Sunday to you!

Liz said...

These images are wonderful Carole!! Cormorants are very interesting birds.

theconstantwalker said...

A beautiful bird to see Carole and fantastic images of it..

Jeanne said...

How cute he is all fluffed out to dry and catch some rays. Looks like you have had a lovely outing carole!

Karin M. said...

Stunning ... fantastic and wonderful shots ...
Best regards, Karin

Jan Castle said...

Guess he really wanted his picture taken!!!! Lucky you!

Nadege, said...

Beautiful details in the feathers.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

He looks like he's ready for take off.

Nancy said...

A fantastic find Carole. He's a beauty!

VaishVijay said...

Lovely shots, that too the 2nd one is awesome!

ShySongbird said...

What a delightful bird! We do have Cormorants here but not that one. I love it when they spread their wings out to dry like that :-)

Julie said...

Needing to dry their wings, these little fellas are such suckers for photographers. Great closeups of his plumage, Carole.