10 July 2012

Lake Munmorah, Central Coast, N.S.W.

 wonderful russet tones evident, when seeding casuarinas are kissed by the sun


casuarina (she-oak), seed-capsules


Joop Zand said...

BEAUTIFUL place there..... these pictures are great Carole.

warm greetings from Holland, Joop

Judy said...

What a gorgeous series of photos!! I wish I was there!!

Anonymous said...

Strange plants in a strange land. Wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Wow what spectacular views of the lake and mountains.
Pretty fuzzy blossoms.

Lovely photos, Carole.

Brian King said...

The scenery is beautiful! I'd go crazy photographing the landscape there. Love the cliffs! Great photos, Carole!

TexWisGirl said...

love these skies, carole!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful view, lovely pictures!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

These are beautiful photos, Carole!
My favorites are the second one and the path leading to the ocean. I love seeing all the different plants and animals you have in Australia.

Joyful said...

Stunning landscapes.

Sharyl said...

I think I may have only seen a banksia after it was finished blooming and dried up. They are pretty fabulous looking then too though! Do they come in different colors or always yellow? I was expecting red for some reason, but may have mixed up with another plant. Lovely as always!

Liz said...

Beautiful scenery and skies, Carole! What a lovely place!

Kay said...

Ive seen the banksia's in Perth. Amazing flowers.It looks a great place to be, love the cloudy sky in the background.

Carole M. said...

loving your comments; everyones! Thank-you.

To Sharyl you asked 'do they come in different colours' Yes they do; here's an Australian website banksia gallery for you.

Marie said...

What a breath-taking place!

Micha S. said...

Absolutely great pic´s !!!

Thank you for sharing
