01 March 2012


Little Wattlebird: Even though it's described as a 'large, slim, dull honeyeater" in my Readers Digest, Birds of Australia book.

this, and the next, taken through a window

 Red Wattlebird  despite its yellow belly.  "Cheeks silvery white, with drooping red fleshy wattle at rear becoming larger with age"  See a wonderful close-up with this wattle more apparent, a photo taken by David Kleinert.


Horst in Edmonton said...

Beautiful bird.

Giga said...

Miło popatrzeć na ptaki, które u nas nie fruwają. Urocze jest dla mnie trzecie zdjęcie, na którym widać białe upierzenie ogonka. Pozdrawiam. *** Nice to look at the birds that we do not fly. Charming is my third picture, showing white tail feathers. Yours.

Dianne said...

The red wattle bird has such beautiful colourings Carole.

TexWisGirl said...

really cool-looking birds. :)

Anonymous said...

Interesting bird. With the downward turned beak he looks grumpy.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

You have the most amazing birds there. I enjoy seeing them all.

Rambling Woods said...

I had not heard of this particular bird but the word dull shouldn't be attached to it...

Brian King said...

Fantastic feather pattern! Very cool plumage!

theconstantwalker said...

Wonderful birds to see Carole.. your images are so lovely to see..

Lori P said...

This bird is so beautiful - very graceful looking.

Jan Castle said...

Now don't they look happy!!!

Kay said...

Beautiful birds!!