15 March 2012

Striated Pardalote

Such delightful little birds, wish they were closer to home base though; these are archival photos taken inland country N.S.W.

For a few years these Pardalotes would actually nest inside the trays somewhere of these hanging pots, along a verandah against the house.  Close to where the owners would be back and forth daily too.  They were determined that was the spot they needed to rear their youngsters.  So then my friend couldn't water her trailing geraniums anymore, but  I'm sure she enjoyed the Pardalotes way more than the flowers anyway.

Unfortunately I believe they haven't been around for a while now; maybe it's to do with the unseasonal wet conditions compared to the usually dry conditiions and they've gone elsewhere.

Birds in Backyards for further reading on this sweet bird.


TexWisGirl said...

they are cute - and determined, apparently!

Laura said...

Sweet photos of the birds! We had a robin make a nest in my hanging geranium many years ago. The mama laid beautiful blue eggs. It was a terrible spot, because it was right by our front door. Every time we went in and out, the poor mama bird was frightened and would fly away.

Lisa Gordon said...

Carole, they are adorable!

Horst in Edmonton said...

What beautiful little birds. So nice to have them around.

Anonymous said...

I like those yellow racing stripes.

Nadege, said...

Very sweet little birds, nicely captured.

Anonymous said...

What a colorful little bird, such an unusual place to build a nest.

FilipBlog said...

Love the yellow chest of the little bird.


Dianne said...

What unique colourings Carole with those brushstrokes of yellow and the wonderful name of Pardalotes.

Karin M. said...

Such delightful little birds, fantastic shots...
Best regards, Karin

CameraCruise said...

Great shots of the beautiful birds.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Julie said...

Lovely shots of them, Carole. They are a beautiful little bird.