03 March 2012

Australia embraces Europe

Wish you were here ... a postcard that truly offers a measured assessment of the realms of Australia.  Does it surprise you?  To think that I could visit so many countries, if I didn't have to get out of Australia first!


Jenni said...

Love this! Really puts a little perspective on how big our country really is!

Julie said...

No wonder it is easier to learn a second (and third) language in Europe than it is here ...

penny said...

That is amazing when you stop to think about it, Carole.. and now I am green with envy.
cheers :)

Brian King said...

LOL! That's really cool! You don't realize how big it is until you see a comparison like this.

TexWisGirl said...

this is GREAT! and i loved your commentary, too! perfect.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this makes one think. I think I once saw a similar picture with the USA nestled inside the confines of Australia quite nicely, not sure though. Surely there must be a postcard of that too.

Sandy's witterings said...

Now Australia is big is something we get taught at school but I don't think I've ever seen it displayed as well as this postcard.

CameraCruise said...

Wow, what a size of your country!
Love to see this!
Have a great weekend.

Shaun said...

Thats just crazy, i wonder what percentage of total land mass is Aussie outback or scrub?

A Colorful World said...

So funny! Yep, you live in a BIG country! :-) And so very different from all these European countries!

A Colorful World said...

I got carried away and forgot to thank you for coming by my little corner of the world and commenting! I appreciated it!

FilipBlog said...

Stop it, this is schocking and a nightmare for my dream to visiti Australia once. The distances to cover are so big.


theconstantwalker said...

Fantastic to see.. Carole my son had a trip up your east coast and loved it.. one day me?

Carole M. said...

thanks everyone for your comments; I LOVE comments! It' good to know you're out there, checking in ...

Shaun: Great thought of yours wondering what percentage of total land mass is Outback.

Check out this website, it says Outback Australia makes up about 70% of Australia's landmass, inhabited by less tan 3% of our population"


Jan Castle said...

WOW! I did not reaslize how very big Australia is!!!! Hope I get to visit someday!
Paper Hugs,

Susana said...

Hermoso lugar donde vives. Desde Málaga- España te mando un saludo

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

These postcards alway make me chuckle as I sent one to some Dutch friends after they emailed me when the Sydney olympics were about to happen and they asked if they could stay with me (in Melbourne) and commute every day to Sydney for the games.
They were embarrassed afterwards :-)

Cindy Adkins said...

Wow! Yes, this did surprise me! Very interesting!
Hugs, Cindy

Lyn S said...

No wonder it's so easy for Europeans to visit other countries in Europe!

.....and to think Australia is really just a big island!

Jeanne said...

this is quite a fascinating postcard and really shows how huge Australia is. Pretty amazing really!