30 March 2012

Sandy Hollow: Mosaics and Sculptures

A brief stopover at Sandy Hollow, approx. two hours west of Newcastle, on the Golden Highway between Denman and Merriwa.  In this rural village there was a petrol station on one side of the road, and a coffee shop at the front of a residence, on the other; the obligatory local pub no doubt somewhere close by.  Saw these mosaics when I pulled in, so took a wander over the morning-dew sodden grass to take these photos.

and I loved this!

 I sat beside the peacock with a flat-white (caffeine injection), 

but was a little perturbed with the guard dog being let off its chain nearby!

a parting goanna shot as I was leaving


TexWisGirl said...

REALLY cool artwork! the mosaics are neat, the sculptures so wonderful, but that carved rock is my favorite! so pretty!

(and you made me laugh about the dog off the chain.) :)

CameraCruise said...

Beautiful place, love it!
Thanks for sharing.
By the way, I checked those roses you mentioned, they look gorgeous.
Hope you'll post some photos of them.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Brian King said...

Fantastic artwork! A lot of talent on display. I love the eagle, or at least it looks like an eagle!

Anonymous said...

All the pieces are impressive. I admire the work that goes into a mosaic. Like the 3D aspect of the one mosaic.

Jan Castle said...

Wonderful mosiacs...TFS! I just bought a mosiac butterfly stamp...now to see what I can do with it - LOL!

Red Nomad OZ said...

I've been through Sandy Hollow a few times, but never stopped! Looks like I was really missing out!!

PS IF you have any Aussie island posts, feel free to link them to my latest post!!

Lyn S said...

Gorgeous mosaics Carole, the guard dog is fabulous too!