04 January 2014



...sometimes life just gets a little too complicated

(taken through the windscreen; I had to wait while he worked out his manoeuvre)

Sharing with Saturdays Critters


Red Nomad OZ said...

Hahaha! But you'd think a speed hump wouldn't slow down a kangaroo, wouldn't you?!?!?! Happy New Year!!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Carole. the first shot is a stunner. love the sign and the Kangaroo reading it. The bumps do't look high enough to worry him!

Irma said...

Beautiful photos of the kangaroo, the first picture is my favorite .
Perfect photographed Carole.
You ask Bob about the chewing and the crow, the difference is the size of the bird, the crow has a brown iris, chewing are smaller and has a blue iris.
The raven is the largest of the birds.
Greetings Irma

Shaun said...

That kanga has some serious decisions to make with that sign. Excellent image.
Have a great weekend

Bob Bushell said...

Brilliant Kangaroo photos, I do love the last one, ha ha.

Joop Zand said...

WOW....these are very nice Carole....specially the first and third pictures.

Greetings and i wish you a nice weekend.


eileeninmd said...

I would love the see a Kangaroo in the wild.. They are cute critters. Thank you for linking up to Saturday's Critters..Have a happy weekend!

FilipBlog said...

He looks cute, a bit fluffy.


Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

so darn cute and the pics are so good I feel as if I could reach out and pet him

Ramakrishnan said...

Amazingly I have not yet seen a real life Kangaroo even in a zoo. However planning a trip to Australia soon and hopefully I can spot quite a few of them.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

what a cutie. ( :

David M. Gascoigne, said...

The only time I have ever damaged a rental car (dented the front fender) was when a kangaroo bounded across the road in front of me. I swerved to avoid the kangaroo and hit the concrete base of a post at the side of the road. Great animals though, so quintessentially Australian.

EG CameraGirl said...

Such a sweet ace! I love how the kangaroo seems to be reading the sign. Perfect!

Lina Gustina said...

Cute face. The last photo makes me smile :)


Montanagirl said...

Ha! Nice photos. Love the last one!

Waldameise Andrea said...

What a cute animal. I envy you for it. You can meet him on the street. For us these pretty animals do not live unfortunately. So I am very excited about these beautiful photos, thank you.

Happy new year wishes

Roy Norris said...

Some great shots Carole, what a character.
Happy New Year.

Brian King said...

Love these guys! I know they can be dangerous, but they're rather cute. That last photo is great!

TexWisGirl said...

SO cute!!!

Karen said...

Excellent close ups of this guy! Love the last pic!

Anonymous said...

Whenever I see a kangaroo I always think of the cartoons of Sylvester the cat and the young kangaroo that he thought was a monster mouse.

Anonymous said...

Adorable kangaroo and great photos ~ Happy 2014 ~ carol, xxx

Dzjiedzjee said...

Hahaha!! I LOVE that last shot. It looks like he's thinking over his plans for entering that road :-))

I hope that you'll have a great weekend! ;-)
Gert Jan Hermus

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

From the standpoint of someone who has never seen a kangaroo, they look like cuddly critters.
Thanks for sharing your photos.

Unknown said...

Awesome photos of this beautiful critter!

Anonymous said...

Oh, how lovely! That last shot is delightful.

DIMI said...

Hello Carole!!Glad to find you from my friend Eileen!!!Gorgeous pictures!Great shots of the famous Kangaroo!!!Love the last photo!!I miss Australia!!
Greetings from Athens...

Ida said...

Kangaroo's are such funny looking creatures. You got some really nice shots of this one.
Oh thanks for stopping by. I think you meant to visit my photo blog though:

Card making is fun although I don't do as much of it as I use to.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Cute photos of the kangaroo. He looks like he's reading the sign in the last photo. too cute!

Jan Castle said...

TOO CUTE! Love it Carole...which way did he finally go - left or right?

Carole M. said...

Jan, it was too hard, he went straight ahead, into the scrub

Gunn said...

Nice images.

Made me think of "Skippy"....long time ago.

Helma said...

Ohhh .... what great Carole!
Beautiful pictures of this kangaroo.
Animals we can see here in the Netherlands. Only in a zoo

Les Fous du Cap said...

Very funny it seems gangourou read and hesitation at the same time ;-)
CĂ©line & Philippe

Laura said...

Beautiful photos of your kangaroo, Carole!!! You do such a great job!!!