15 January 2014

Bird Medley

 Little Corella, this morning when I was walking early; glad I took my camera!

young Magpie scouts the garden, sometimes with its parents, daily.  During the heat of the day, the three of them will often sit quietly for two or three hours under the dense shade of a Michelia shrub.  I've got two water containers under there for them also.

not easy to get a photo of the Eastern Rosella; they're very timid and flighty.  It hadn't realized when it flew in while other birds had been at the water dish, that I was sitting near the back door with my camera...

Noisy Miner

 spotted me!

Sharing with Wild Bird Wednesday


Roy Norris said...

Thats a really good set of images Carole.
It always pays to take camera.{:))

Bob Bushell said...

Lovely images of the birds, the Miner is my fave, fantastic.

diane b said...

Such clear and crisp shots of the birds. Love the Corella's eye make up.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

glad to see your blog is back to pics again. i guess blogger is behaving again for you. i wish it was for me. it is so frustrating for me & so many others.

i love the Noisy Miner with those yellow eyes. what a cool bird. neat coloring. ( :

Carole M. said...

Beth, even though many on Blogger forum weren't having success with changing browsers, I decided to give Chrome a go just a couple hours ago, and for me, it did right the anomolies I had with Blogger. I'm hoping it will be a permanent 'fix'.

Carole M. said...

oh, another one for you Beth. I just went to email to you but see I get directed to your G+ page instead of your blog. I had decided a while ago to break away from G+; I find I prefer just to stick with my blog solely.

Kerri Farley said...

What a lovely variety!! Gorgeous Birds!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

hi - i am commenting again to see if things have changed? would you please let me know if you see a change in my name & google + .. all that jazz. thanks! have a nice day! ( :

HansHB said...

Lovely birds, never seen these before!
Great post!

Anonymous said...

Eastern Rosella very beautiful!

Jeanne said...

Great shots Carole, and I love the eyes on that noisy minor. Very impressive. Have you been having any problems with loading shots in to your blog?? Have a wonderful day!

TexWisGirl said...

loved all of these exotic beauties. :)

Karen said...

Lovely backyard visitors.

Irma said...

Beautiful photos Carole.
The Noisy Miner and Rosella are wonderful, really really well done.

Anonymous said...

You have such an interesting assortment of birds down there; always a pleasure to see. I was going to say say the same thing as Beth. Nice to see you've got it all sorted out...for now.

Dave said...

lovely post, the rosella is a must see bird. Love your header images too, works very well

Carole M. said...

thanks for all your comments; it's so good to be able to blog again! What would I do with all my photos if not for this? A great forum to share them with like-minded souls around the world is right here.

Beth: I have been in touch and trust you might be getting your computer in order again with Blogger/Google too.

Jeanne: Seems that Blogger Engineering may have fine-tuned their browser as priority (which is quite understandable). Now my own W8.1 updates sit well with Google Chrome. The moment I switched to that browser, my blogger pages sorted themselves out and I can upload photos again too. All is good in my blogging world again.

Everyone: Though I don't comment unless there is a specific question - I do always get so much pleasure from your feedback. I enjoy sharing your own blogs/photos as well; it's a two-way delight!

eileeninmd said...

Carole, you are so lucky to see these beautiful birds. I would love to see each one of them someday.. Your photos are wonderful and I am so glad your blogging problems are solved. Have a happy day!

Merlesworld said...

Bird visitors do make our gardens more interesting places.

Lisa Gordon said...

These are wonderful, Carole.
I miss my little outdoor bird friends in the winter.

Dianne said...

Good to see you can now upload your pics Carole and Blogger Life can get back to normal. I love your capture of those cheeky little noisy-minors.

Montanagirl said...

Beautiful birds and photos! You get to see such a wonderful variety of birds.

mick said...

A great series of birds - the Eastern Rosella is especially beautiful.

Jan said...

It is such a treat to sit still right at home and see such a wonderful variety of our feathered friends! Great Pics Carole!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

You have so many beautiful colored birds there! Thanks for sharing them as I don't get many colorful birds in my yard.

Brian King said...

I love your magpies and miners! Both are very handsome birds! The contrasting plumage on the magpie is quite striking.

Ramakrishnan said...

Fascinating birdies !

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Wonderful photos ! Ma favourite is your fourth shot. Gorgeous !
Best regards, Synnöve

Wally Jones said...

Well, if I had birds such as these visit my yard, I sure could save a lot of money on gasoline!

Super photographs, Carole!

Good to have you back!

EG CameraGirl said...

Noisy Miners are such interesting looking birds - their eyes.

Marilyn said...

Carole, your birding adventures make ours in Southern California look pretty dull. You do have the most gorgeous birds there, and an enormous variety.