To start a new year, I wanted to make some cards working with a purchased card I'd admired from an art/craft show. The maker noted on the back only as Nancy.
Using some beautiful ribbon that had been gifted to me some time ago, hard to part with! Sakura punchouts from hand-coloured tissue that had been vliesofixed onto sturdy paper. and with a little bit of bling added to the centres. Basic Grey 'Blush' paper for the main part of the bag.

Got to use one of my newest embossing folders Wings, by Craft Concepts.

This is a beautiful embossed paper from PaperSource/Australia.

Perhaps templates for this or a similar handbag card is already available on the net somewhere. If you know where, please let me know so I might include it in this post for others.
They do open up from the bottom end, and have an insert with a Martha Stewart border punch edging.
Happy Ending: Diana Enns, blogger at
Crafts and Adventures from the Enns, and moderator of
The Scrapbook Lounge has forwarded me this link to Mirkwood Designs site, with another lovely "Purse" template
here. Enjoy! Thanks to Diana; much appreciated.