30 December 2012

Myuna Bay - Part Three



 Little Black Cormorant

it was at this the point that the man (Myuna Bay - Part Two) continued on his way, crossing back across the foot-bridge (where the Egret stood), to the other side.  "Have a good day" he said
...and the Egret took flight as he walked by
Not sure that I can edit to brighten the lighting on a video-clip at all? The day was sunny, maybe having the tele-converter lens on had some bearing on this result.


  1. the red and black legs and the turquoise around the eye are just stunning! :)

  2. The Egret has such beautiful coloring! Love the video.

  3. Anonymous1:54 pm

    wunderschön die Bilder!!!!!!!

    Lieben Gruss Elke

  4. Lovely shots, especially of the bird in flight!

  5. Anonymous11:38 pm

    Was für fantastische Fotos.

    Wünsche dir einen guten Start in das Jahr 2013 und ein lieber Gruß von Mathilda ♥

  6. Stunning shots Carole!
    You just get better...lol

  7. You got some great shots of the egret!! I love seeing the detail in its plumage!!
    And the cormorant's feet!! They are kind of funny looking!!

  8. Oh that egret is one stunning looking bird....great, great captures!!

  9. Poetry in motion comes to mind when I see the birds. Beautiful. Happy New Year! xo Jenny

  10. Egrets are beautiful birds. I love the coloring. I see, on your pictures, that there is a difference in color is that true?

  11. Gorgeous shots of the egret! Not everyone likes cormorants, but I think they're very unique looking birds.


thanks for visiting Snap Happy Birding, and for leaving a comment; I can still see them. Now both my blogs are resting in idle mode. It was time to give other things priority, even though I miss my regular blogging and the feedback that came my way over the years. Take care.