20 December 2011

St. Andrew's Cathedral, Sydney; the oldest cathedral in Australia

Last week's visit to the city took a sideways turn, after arriving at Town Hall station with intention to go straight into the Queen Victoria Building.  Instead, a glimpse of this stately church beckoned closer inspection.  Up a stairway to take a quick snapshot, and my friend suggested why not get up closer?  That then had us actually stepping inside. So this post is my pictorial snapshot, to share the wonder of the artisans who made these grand cathedrals just so.

An information brochure tells me that the first foundation stone was layed in 1819 by Governor Lachlan Macquarie, and its subsequent removal and relaying in 1837 by Governor Richard Bourke.

With jacaranda tree at front coming into leaf after the lilac bell flowers have finished.

Interesting reflections of the city surrounds too.

The old, with the new.

We were lucky to be there to hear the organ being played.  Quoting from the pamphlet offered, "William Hill & Son built the original 1866 organ, with later additions and alterations by several other makers.  Orgues Le 'tourneau Lte's Quebec completed the most recent work in 1998.  The organ was restored to display Blacket's original highly coloured decorations, including an unusal wrought iron framework.

And the new, with the old.  Sandstone colums with monitors, exhibit todays technology.

This font was "a gift from the children of the diocese in 1868 and is richly carved white stone from Otago in New Zealand, with eight small columns of red granite from Gabo Island off the coast of Victoria".


  1. Looks like a nice cathedral. For us in Europe this would be a young church.


  2. Beautiful cathedral, I love the reflections in its window.

  3. Excellent shots, Carole. You've managed to capture the essence of the place!

  4. What a beautiful cathedral. I particularly like the organ and the font.

  5. Great images Carole!
    I went into St Paul's cathedral in melbourne while I was down visiting family the other week. It's so lovely!!

  6. really beautiful. very ornate. almost hate to see the modern invasion of high-tech stuff mixed in...

  7. What a beautiful building!! My favourite shot is the first one, contrasting the square lines and angles of the cathedral with the organic, more contorted lines, of the tree!

  8. These is just beautiful!! The intricate design on the window and the ceiling the post just awesome! Thanks for sharing the photos. And thanks for the visit, Merry Christmas!

  9. How fortunate you were that the organ was playing - it would have added to the feel of this majestic cathedral .

  10. What a wonderful treat for you!


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