It's been a long time between paper-cuttings. I'd finished this first one a little while ago but had been saving it till I could complete another to make enough substance for my next paper-cutting post.
This is a Dover Royalty free image; the silhouette of branches and the tiny birds is subject matter I'd like to work with more.

Next, a paper-cut showing one of our Wattle birds on a nest. Since it is our Spring-time, it's all happening still. Ironically, as I was standing beside an open window this morning cutting this out, a regular visitor to our garden .. the Wattle bird, was "singing" it's raucous song. It really made for an appropriate backdrop for my cutting session.

One Spring we could hear Mum Wattle bird making quite a commotion and found that one of her babies had fallen from the nest. Actually the baby bird was quite some distance from the nest when this photo was taken. As luck will have it we knew where she had been nesting and Des was able to get a ladder and put the little bird back in there.
So I'm adding this pic to finish off my paper-cutting post; it was a story with a happy ending that was timely to share with you.