28 June 2014

Barn Owl, Bush stone-curlew, and Tawny Frogmouth

Photos taken at the bird presentation at Desert Park, N.T.

as close as I'll ever get to a Bush stone-curlew!  This one was happy to walk around amongst everyone while the handler was happy to throw the occasional meal-worm along the way

and, lucky me,  I happened to be sitting right under a sleepy Tawny Frogmouth!


eileeninmd said...

Wow, these are all cool shots and wonderful birds. I love the Barn Owl and the neat looking Tawny Frogmouth. And the Curlew is a sweet looking bird. Thanks for sharing your post with Saturday's Critters. Have a happy weekend!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Carole Sounds like a great event and as you say, sitting under a Frogmouth must have been great. All your photographs are amazing. Have a great weekend.

TexWisGirl said...

that curlew is AWESOME! the others are, too, of course. :)

Pam said...

Gorgeous owl shots, Carole!

Karen said...

Wow Carol, how cool to be so close to these guys! Excellent shots.
Karen & Beep

Irma said...

Hi Carole,
Beautiful series of photos of the Barn owl and the Bush Stone-curlew.
Beautiful as he walks among the people, who knows he gets a treat.
Best regards, Irma

Anonymous said...

oh I like that barn owl. When I was young one flew in my bedroom window and down on the stairs.

Back then. We had square windows we could slide open. It was hot that night. It came in the window. The big flutter of wings woke me
and scared me.

Oh they are a beautiful wise creature of the wild.

Nice takes.

FilipBlog said...

An owl always has something mysterious. Very good pictures.


Montanagirl said...

Hi Carole - Fabulous series of photos! I have never seen any of these birds before. There's plenty of barns in Montana, but I never see a Barn Owl. I'll be back blogging full time next week.

Breathtaking said...

Great close-ups of all the birds. A rare treat to see these species.

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Beautiful birds.. Cheers!!!..

Anni said...

Oh my....oh my!!! What a terrific post of some incredible birds...and your photos are superior Carole.

sunshine said...

Great series of birds.

Unknown said...

All three are beautiful birds!

Gail Dixon said...

Oh my goodness, I was pretty excited to see the barn owl, then you threw in the curlew! Gorgeous photos!!

Adam Jones said...

The Barn Owl is a real beauty.

thewovenspoke said...

A fantastic set of photos, I think the bush stone curlew looks similar to the greater roadrunner.

Gumer Paz said...
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Gumer Paz said...

wow camouflage with the environment right?
Kisses Carole !!

Black Jack's Carol said...

Lucky you to see such an amazing bird presentation, and smart you to get such wonderful photos :) Near Vancouver, there is a rescue for birds of prey called OWL. I met my first barn owl there and have never forgotten Odie. Your photo brought him right back.

Brian King said...

Such a beautiful owl! Love the curlew...very cool looking bird!

A Colorful World said...

Wow! Fantastic shots! How lucky you were to see these three amazing birds!

Bob Bushell said...

Wow, Barn Owl, Bush stone-curlew and a Tawny Frogmouth, you are lucky. Excellent shots.

Phil Slade said...

Brilliant Carole. How wonderful to be able to take such intimate pictures. Showing birds in this way surely increases awareness of birds in general and nature conservation? I think it does.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Some great birds. We have a very similar Stone Curlew over here which is both rare and secretive making it difficult to see, let alone photograph. Barn owls just lift the heart no matter what circumstances they're seen in.

Jo said...

The Bush-stone Curlew is so similar to our Thick-knees. In fact, in Africa the Eurasian Thick-knee also known as the Stone Curlew falls under these waders in my bird book. Amazing photos of the Barn Owl. We have a resident Barn Owl pair in a tree above our bedroom window here in Tanzania. The Frogmouth is SO unique to me. Wow. Thanks for sharing. I followed you here from you link-up on I'd rather be birding and have joined your site. Have a great day. Jo (East Africa)

Gerald (SK14) said...

I've been close to owls but never a curlew.

Unknown said...

Beautiful close ups! Boom Bobbi and Gary.

Debbie said...

oh carole, what a WONDERFUL experience. i am always thrilled beyond thrilled, to get this close to any bird!!

all of your images are amazing but the owl stole the show for me!!!

Diane AZ said...

I enjoyed your beautiful bird images, looks like it was a fascinating presentation!

Anni said...

As I said yesterday...these images are stupendous.

Thanks for linking up this weekend. It's always appreciated.

Lisa Gordon said...

I just love that owl, Carole, and that curlew is just beautiful.

NatureFootstep said...

lovely! I keep my inges crossed that I will see those birds when I visit Australia in September. :) Thanks for sharing.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Beautiful photos of all the birds--the snowy owl is my favorite!

Wally Jones said...

A wonderful collection of birds your were able to enjoy!

Splendidly photographed, Carole!

Helma said...

Very beautiful is the owl but the Curlew is a wonderful bird to see. Also very nice and clear pictures. Well done!

Kay said...

Excellent shots of the Barn Owl!!