12 August 2013

a secondary blog

So that I have another place to indulge in uploading photographs from time to time, I've opened up Snap Happy Online for anything other than the birds and their location shots.

Who knows quite what will end up on that new blog; it will be outdoors, scenery and botanical based, and it will give me a place for those photographs that don't quite fit here. 

Tonight, this first post, in all its glory has been sent out into cyberspace.  I hope you'll pick it up and leave me a comment, and tell me if the bigger image size is an issue for your monitor.  For the single image post I quite like the impact but not if it's detrimental to your viewing.

Lastly, have I forgotten anything?  It's been a while since I set up a blog!


  1. Margaret after Tonight, the first post, "in all its glory" is hyperlinked (maybe the light grey should be changed)

  2. Carole, I also do not see this second blog link. Can you put a button on the sidebar of snap happy birding so that it will be a permanent link. something that says also see me at....... Anyway, i don't see a link to the new blog on this post. Have a great day, and will look forward to following you on your new blog also. Leaving on a 2 week vacation in 2 days, so will look forward to seeing you when I get back!

  3. since i follow TOO MANY blogs, i've made a rule for myself that i can only follow one per blogger. so i'll be sticking here. :)

  4. Great to know!! Heading over to take a look!

  5. Hi Carole... I wonder if it will be like Margaret's which comes up large so I see only half the page! I have to use internet explore with her URL to get to here post's on Google!
    I'l wait and see!! : )

  6. Carole I'm on my way now to check it out!

  7. the colours of the hyperlinks have been adjusted to make them more obvious for the future. Jeanne: have a great holiday! TexWisGirl: I debated for some time about 'second-blog' but when I was by the ocean say, it didn't seem quite appropriate to flood my Snap Happy Birding with images of the sea (and no feathered birds). And to do that consistently would turn off those who expected birds here. I really put myself in a corner when I created that Snap Happy Birding name change didn't I? Never mind, the other blog won't be intentionally over-inundated, just a place to slide other pics from my part of the world. I certainly don't expect to be creating two blog posts a day.

  8. Congratulations on setting up a new blog Carole, I shall hop on over there right now :)

  9. Congrats...will have to see how my time goes as to following another...love this one!!!
    Paper Hugs,


thanks for visiting Snap Happy Birding, and for leaving a comment; I can still see them. Now both my blogs are resting in idle mode. It was time to give other things priority, even though I miss my regular blogging and the feedback that came my way over the years. Take care.